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ellie's pov

"ellie, dude you're gonna be late for school" ryan said knocking on my door. "ugh! i'm getting up" i groaned. i threw the covers over my body and got up. i really didn't want to go to school, but whatever.

i got dressed in some black leggings and an oversized sweater, with my slip on uggs. i really wasn't about looking my best today.

"can i borrow the car? i have to go somewhere" ryan said, "sure, can you drive me to school?" i asked, "yeah, yeah of course" he smiled. "i made you a bowl of cereal" he said handing it to me. "thank you" i said.

i quickly ate seeing that the time was almost 8am, "alright, let's go" i said grabbing my bag. ryan popped in the driver's seat and we drove to the high school. "thanks, i'll see you at home later" i said getting out.

"hey hey!" gabby smiled, "i can't believe soccer ends at the end of the month" gabby pouted, "i know, it's crazy. don't forget we have practice later and a game in two days!" i said. "im ready" she said.

"good morning, beautiful ladies" scuba said, "hey there" i said, "so, you and sam?" i asked, "we're just friends right now" he said, "buttt" i said. "we'll see where it goes she's a nice girl" he smiled.

"hey pretty girl" evan said, "hey pretty boy" i said, "gross" gabby said. "so, gabby tell us about you and ethan? i heard a little kiss action happened on halloween" i laughed. "who spilled?" she asked.

scuba tried to ignore eye contact so hard, "scuba! really!" she said playfully hitting him. he put his hands up in defense, "i'm sorry!" he laughed. "are you coming to my game thursday?" i asked, "of course! i'll be your biggest fan there" evan smiled.

"your game is friday, right?" i asked, "yes ma'am" he replied. "great. i can't wait i'll be there" said, "hey ladies" jess said coming up to us, "hey" we said. "let's go to class, i don't wanna be late" gabby said dragging us off with her.

four girls and two boys ate at the lunch table talking about their plans for the weekend already. "we can go to the movies?" gabby suggested. "or throw our own party. my parents will be away this weekend" she said.

"uh hey, ellie it's um been a while" jack said coming up to our table. "oh hey jack" i said, "do you have any free time? i would love some help studying for my math exam" he said.

"i would love to, but i can't. i have a lot of things coming up and plus im helping samantha with prom committee" i explained. "no worries" he said, "it was nice seeing you" he walked off.

"wanna come over for dinner? my dad is making those ribs you like" evan said, "yes, i would love to" i smiled. "can i come too, baby?" scuba asked jokingly, evan laughed and playfully rolled his eyes at his best friend.

jess was sitting quiet, smiling at her phone. "who got you smiling like that?" i smirked, "ryan. he wants to take me out on a date friday" she smiled. "so cute" gab said. "don't worry gab, you'll find you a lover" i joked.

"never say lover again" she laughed. "if we win thursday's game then we're throw a party on saturday. deal?" i said looking at gabby. "girl, you're so on" she smiled. "deal."

"where does ryan wanna take you?" i asked, "it didn't say" she said. "oh babe, your birthday is coming up, anything you wanna do?" evan asked. all i could think about was that horrible night, of losing the two most important people in my life. i placed my hand on the necklace that yulia got for my birthday.

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