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ellie's pov

"eleanor? can we talk?" evan asked grabbing my arm. "first of all, don't grab me like that" i said jerking my arm away from him. "clare and i finished the project last night" he said. "really?" i asked cheerfully, "i'm all yours" he said. "good" i said hugging him close to me and kissing him.

suddenly everyone's phone started buzzing, evan checked his phone. his eyes almost popped out, "what is it?" i asked, he wouldn't show me. so, i opened my phone. "eleanor.." he said, "you fucking lied to me?" i said. "eleanor, please wait!" he begged.

"fuck you" i said, "i can't believe this" i cried. "she came onto me! okay? i pushed her away" he said. "you're such a fucking liar!" i said pushing him. "ellie!" he shouted, "go to hell!" i said running out.

he came running after me, "ellie!" he grabbed my hand, "NO! you promised you would love me forever!" i said. "i tried telling you, ellie" jack said, "fuck you" i said. "you did this! i'm gonna fucking kill you" evan said pushing jack into the lockers.

"oh what's going on?" clare asked innocently, the rage inside me. "YOU STUPID DUMB BITCH!" i screamed and grabbed her hair and threw her into the lockers. "ow! what the fuck?" she said. i got on top of her and started slapping her.

she pulled my hair trying to get me off, but that didn't stop me. "ellie! eleanor! stop" gabby said, scuba came
out of no where and took me off clare. "calm down, ellie!" he said. clare's nose was bleeding and she had red marks on her face.

"you bitch!" she said, "you ruined my life" i said. "you ruined it yourself, evan doesn't love you anymore. get over it" she scoffed. "shut up! clare. you don't know anything" he said.

"eleanor, please forgive me. i'm sorry" he said, my knuckles were swollen and bleeding. "come on, i'll take you to the nurse" gabby said. "no it's fine. just forget it" i said. "ell-" "just back off, evan" gab said, "you really haven't learned anything from last year have you?" she asked.

"eleanor garcia, clare stevens, jack stevens, and evan fletcher my office now" the principle said, "it's gonna be okay" gabby said rubbing my back. the four of us followed the principle to his office.

"fletcher you first" he said, evan was in there for like 15 minutes. "eleanor" he said, "please come sit" he said. "what happened?" he asked, "clare and her stupid brother happened! they're ruining everything" i said.

"someone sent a video of clare and evan kissing to the entire school" i explained, "i'm pretty sure it was jack" i scoffed. "and you threw the first punch?" he asked, "yes but she had it coming!" i said.

"i'm sorry eleanor. there's a zero tolerance of violence, you know this. given what you went through. i'll be lenient, you're no longer the president of the school" he said. "what! that's not fair! it was her fault" i said. "i'm sorry, eleanor. but that's final" he said.

i scoffed and walked out. "ellie!" evan said, "leave me alone, evan" i said. "eleanor wait up!" jack said, "i just wanted you to know it wasn't me who sent that video out" he said, "okay cool? want a medal?" i said sarcastically.

"you can go now evan" i said, "eleanor" he said, "we're done" i said, "what?" he asked shocked, "we are done. you know over? there's no longer an us" i said. "you don't mean that" he said his voice shaking. "i do. you fucked up again. i'm done with you" i said.

not thinking i turned over to jack and pulled him and kissed him. "woah" he said, evan looked hurt, he didn't say anything he just walked off. "i'm sorry" i said. "do you wanna get out of here? i heard there's a carnival in the next town over" he said.

"yeah sure. let's go" i smiled, "you drive" i said tossing him my keys. i got in the passenger seat and he drove off to the carnival.

the car ride there was nice, it was quiet, but a nice quiet. "can you pull into the starbucks?" i asked, "sure" he chucked. "oh how much do i owe you for yesterday. i'm sorry i just walked off" i said, "don't worry about it" he smiled.

"can you order me a strawberry açaí with lemonade" i smiled, "sure thing" he said. he ordered my drink and one for himself, "please let me pay" i said handing him my card. he declined multiple times, but finally caved in.

"just so we're clear, this isn't a date. just two friends hanging out, got it?" i said, "yes, ma'am" he said. we got out of the car and got tickets for the rides. "let's go on that one" i said, pointing to the spinning ride called the dream catcher.

"are you sure about?" he asked, "why you nervous?" i smirked, "no!" he said. we gave the tickets to the person and got on it. "if i die, im gonna kill you" he said. the ride went upside down consciously in a loop, three times.

"AHHHH!" we screamed each time the ride went in an upside down circle. when we finally got off, we were so dizzy. "oh my god" i said holding onto jack's arm, "i'm so dizzy" he chuckled. "hey wanna get cotton candy?"
i asked. "sure" he smiled.

"you pick out our next ride, i'll go get it" he said. i decided on the pharaoh's boat ride. "here you go" he said, "thank you very much" i smiled. "you want some?" i asked, "sure" he smiled taking a bit of it.

"yummy" he smiled, i stared at jack, his pretty face, beautiful smile, i haven't had this much fun in a while.

"boat ride here we come!" i said, "oh my god!" he yelled, as the ride went all the way up. "WOOO!" people cheered, i laughed at how scared jack was.

"you pick next ride" i said, "ferris wheel" he smiled. "fine! but we're so getting fried oreos after" i said dragging him. we handed our tickets for the last ride, and got on. "thank you for doing this for me" i smiled softly. "you didn't deserve to be treated like that. evan's an idiot" he said.

"normally i would disagree, but evan is an idiot" i said, "you're beautiful, he should've known better" he smiled. "don't flatter me" i said, "what? you are beautiful" he said placing his hand on my cheek.

"jack...i still love evan" i said, "that's okay" he said. jack leaned in closer and so did i. it didn't feel the same. it felt different than how it did with evan. but it was good different?

the ride ended and we got off. "we should head back. it's getting late" he said. "i'll drive back" i said, "okay" he smiled. we got in the car and drove back to our hometown. "i'm sorry i kissed you" he said, "well, i did kiss back. but i just broke up with evan. i'm not looking for anything" i said.

"i can help you get him back" he said, "what? like him jealous?" i asked, "something like that" he smirked. "here put your address in, i'll drive you home" i said. around thirty minutes later, i was in front of jack's house.

"thank you again for a good time" i smiled, "anytime"
he smiled. "see you at school" i said, "see you" he replied and grabbed his things.

all day i wished that everything was a bad dream.
but it wasn't. it was a nightmare.

lucky star; evan fletcherWhere stories live. Discover now