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ellie's pov

"hellooo beautiful" gabby said putting her arm around me as i grabbed my books from my locker. "hey babes" i smiled. "have you seen clare? we have to work on a stupid project together" she sighed, "wherever evan is, she's probably there" i scoffed.

"el! hey!" jack smiled, "hey jack" i replied, "do you have free time today after school, i have a math quiz friday?" he asked. "yeah sure" i said. "we'll meet at the diner" i said. "sounds good. here give me your number" he said handed me his phone. i typed it in, "text me, whenever" i said.

"what was that about?"evan asked, "he just needs help studying for his math quiz" i replied. "why can't someone else help him?" he said. "i don't know. he asked me so i said yes. not like we had plans. you've been busy and off lately" i said.

"i know, i've been working on this science project with clare. we're almost done" he said. "hey, ev" clare smiled, "of course" i mumbled. "what was that?" she asked, "nothing" i said rolling my eyes.

"come on, ell. let's go" gabby said pulling me away. "that bitch is going down" i said, "don't do something, you'll end up regretting" gabby said. "trust me, whatever i do i won't regret" i scoffed.

"i'll see you later. i have student council things to do" i said. i walked to the office and did some cleaning. "hey!" sam said walking in, "hey sam" i smiled. "what are you doing?" she asked, "i'm planning a welcome back fair for the students" i said. "sounds fun. i'll help of course" she said. "thank you" i smiled.

i made a list of everything we will need and when the fair should be set up for. "we'll try to have it next friday" i said. "sounds good" she smiled. "i'll see you later i have to get to class" i grabbed my things and walked out of the office.

"evan! hey!" i said, "uh hey ellie. what are you doing out of class?" he asked, "i had to do some planning" i said. "oh okay" he replied, "what are you doing out of class?" i questioned, "nothing" he said.

he's being so weird. "okay weirdo. well see you later i guess" i said walking off.

🌟 END OF THE DAY (i get so lazy writing abt school days)

"can you drive me home?" gabs asked, "sure, let's go" i said. "hey, eleanor. i just wanted to say that you're so understanding of evan and i's relationship. it's really big of you" she snarked.

"i'm sorry, what are you talking about?" i asked, "oh nothing" she smirked and walked off. "what the fuck was that about?" i asked gabby, "where the fuck is evan" i said.

"i think he has football practice" she said, "come on" i said. i stormed off to the field, with gabby running beside me. "FLETCHER!" i shouted, he ignored me and kept playing. "FLETCHER!" i shouted again, "FLETCHER! tell your girlfriend you're busy" coach said taking him out of the game.

"eleanor what the hell?" he asked, "are you cheating me?" i asked, "what?" he asked. "clare! she thinking you two of some type of relationship" i said. "don't listen to her! she's crazy" he said.

"evan, come on man" scuba said, "can we talk about this later?" he asked. "just answer the question, did you cheat on me?" i asked. "no! i would never" he said, but he wasn't convincing. i scoffed and walked off with gabby.

we got in the car and i dropped gabby off. "thank you, i love you bye!" she said. "bye, love you too" i said. since i was already out i drove to the diner and waited for jack to arrive.

4pm he arrived. "hey, hope you weren't waiting long" he said sitting down in the booth. "no i wasn't don't worry" i smiled. "do you wanna order some food?" he asked, "sure" i smiled.

"do you wanna share some fries and onion rings?" i asked, "that would be great" he smiled. the waitress came over, "hi can we have an order of fries and onion rings" i said, "anything to drink?" she asked. "cherry coke" i smiled, "i'll have a sprite" he replied.

"thank you again for helping me" he said taking our his books. "so tell me what you're struggling with" i said, "i have no clue about finding cos,sin, and tan" he groaned.

"okay let's start there" i said. i looked at his homework, "you're missing simple steps" i said showing him the work he missed and going over it with him.

i made up some problems, "practice them" i said. "here you guys are" the waitress said putting the food on the table and drinks. "thank you" i smiled.

jack looked up at me, "eleanor, there's something you should know" he said. "what is it?" i asked. "evan and clare" he said. "what about them?" i asked, "they're been doing more than a science project" he said.

"what do you mean?" i scoffed, "he was over yesterday, i saw them kissing" he said "you're lying. evan would never do that to me" i said. "we've been through so much. he wouldn't hurt me, not again" i said.

"eleanor, im sorry. i thought you should know" he said. "i don't believe you" i said, i got up and stormed out of the diner. "ellie! wait up!" he shouted, "no! go to hell!" i said and started my car and drove off.

i went to evan's house. i got out and started knocking on his door. his mom answered, "eleanor honey! hey so good to see you" she smiled. "hi mrs. fletcher" i smiled, "is evan home?" i asked, "oh no. i thought he would've told you. he's at his friend's house doing a project" she explained.

"oh okay" i replied, "i'll tell him you stopped by" she said. "no, that's okay" i said and left. i drove back home.

i got in my house, slamming the door. i was so angry.
"AHH!" i screamed into my pillow. i went on my phone and started texting evan.

message to evan🤍
hey. where are you?
i'm at home. helping my mom with some stuff.
why are you lying to me?
i'm not.
i was just at your house. your mom said you're with your other girlfriend.
okay. fine you caught me. i didn't tell you because you've been weird about it. excusing me of cheating when im not. i told you we're almost done with this stupid thing and then i never have to talk to her again.
jack told me he saw you and clare kissing yesterday.
he's lying! don't you believe me?

read 6:30pm

i went up to my room and threw myself on my bed.
you would think this year would start off perfect. pretty girl with pretty boy, president of the school, best friends with the two most amazing girls.

why does everything feel so out of place? i just want to be happy, but something or someone always gets in the way of it.

author's note!!
any ideas for upcoming chapters? 🫶🏼
hope you guys are enjoying so far!!

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