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ellie's pov

i walked through the school corridor, making my way to meet up with scuba, jess, evan, and gabby. "hey guys" i smiled, "hey ell. sorry i haven't been around, it's so good to see you" scuba said giving me a hug. "i heard you and sam finally got together! so excited for you guys" i smiled.

"so, gab why did you call us here?" i asked, "because i want to ask ethan to prom and i'm nervous" she said. "why are we here?" evan asked pointing his finger him and scuba. "because ethan is on the football! you guys know him better than anyone" she said.

"is he going with anyone?" she asked, "no, he's not"
scuba replied, "you should ask him." "can you girls help me set up something?" she asked. "of course babes! you know i'm a sucker for prom!" i laughed.

"i would love to help out" jess smiled, "okay boys. you are dismissed thanks for the info!" she said kicking the boys out of the room. "so, what do i do?" she asked, "i think i lost my game, i haven't had a boyfriend in over a year" she said. "gabby. you're hot. any guy would be lucky to have you" i said. jess agreed.

the three of us skipped spanish and helped gabby plan something to ask out ethan. "just go up there and ask him out!" i said, "what's the worst that could happen, gabs?" jess asked. "what if he knows no?" she asked, "trust me, he won't" i said.

little did gabby know, jess and i already helped ethan with his promosal for her last night. we were so excited for her reaction.

"come on, we should go to class" jess said grabbing her things. gabby and i followed behind her.

"guys what's happening?" gabby asked seeing everyone just stand in the hallway. ethan was at the end, holding daisy's, gabby's favorite. he also made a cute poster, that had all of gabby's favorite snacks/candies on it.

"is that ethan?" she whispered, "go on gabs" i said nudging her to the end of the hallway.

"gabby, will you go to prom with me?" ethan asked happily, showing off his poster that he made her. gabby jumped up and down, "YES!" she screamed. she jumped in his arms, and he picked her up.

"i'm so excited!" she said, "how did you know all this stuff was my favorite?" she asked, "are you a mind reader?" she joked. "i had some help" he said nodding his head over to jess and i. "you guys did this for me?"
she gushed.

"of course we did! we love you gabs" we said hugging her, "best day ever" she smiled.


the rest of the day went by super fast, i was so excited to go dress shopping with girls.

"i'll see you later" i said to evan, "have fun" he said. evan, scuba, and ryan were going to look their tuxes. "this store looks perfect!" gabby smiled. "it does" sam agreed. "i want a nice champagne color" gabby smiled.

"i'm thinking light blue, how about you ellie?" sam asked, "dark blue" i smiled. we picked out a bunch of dresses that were within our color schemes. "i'm thinking silver?" jess questioned, "oh that would be beautiful on you!" gabby smiled.

the girls and i tried on so many dresses and picked out our dream dresses. "we're gonna look so good!" sam said excitedly. "we're gonna look amazing!" i said.

we decided to meet up with the boys and get some food. "hello my love!" i said to evan, "hello angel" he smiled kissing me. "can we get pizza?" i asked, "yeah come on let's go" he said taking my hand.

we got our food, "ev, i've been wanting to ask you something" i said, "what is it?" he asked, "i was hoping you would move in with me?" i asked. "wait...what?" he asked, "well, i have a house to myself now, you'll be going to the university of massachusetts. i love you, ev. i want to be with you, will think about it?" i asked.

"i don't need to think about it! the answer is yes" he smiled happily at me. "really?" i asked excitedly? "yes, really. i'll talk to my parents tonight" he said, "i can't wait, i i hope they say yes" i said.

we grabbed our food and went back to the others. "5 months! we'll be in our beautiful dresses, it's a true dream come true" gabby smiled. "all of us tomorrow" she said. "not all of us.." i said, "i'm sorry" she said.

"it's okay, yulia deserves to be here with us" i said trying so hard not to cry. "it's okay baby" evan said wrapping his arm around me. "i miss her so much" i said burying my face in him. "it's okay it's okay" he said.

"i love you, ellie. we're always here for you" gabby said putting her hand on top of mine, jess doing the same. "i love you girls, so much" i smiled. we finished eating, "can you take me home?" i asked evan, "of course" he said. "i'll see you girls later" i said to the girls and scuba and ryan.


"can we talk to your parents now?" i asked, "let's do it" he said. he drove off his house, i was so nervous to talk to them.

evan pulled into the driveway and we walked in the house. "hey honey!" his mom said, "hi sweetie!" she said giving me a hug. "mom dad, can we talk to you guys? please?" evan asked. "sure, baby. you're making me a nervous" she said sitting down on the couch next to her husband.

"oh my god. you're not pregnant, right?" his dad asked me, "oh my god!" evan exclaimed, "we don't! we've never done that" he said. "oh, thank god" his mom said putting a hand over her heart.

"eleanor asked if i could move in with her, i know we're in school, but we're graduating and i would really like to move in. is that okay?" he asked nervously. i could tell he was nervous, he kept wiping his hands on his jeans.

his mom and dad shared a look, "i mean you are 18, if that's what you really want. we can support that. we love eleanor like our own and want the both of you to be happy" his mom smiled. "i agree. we love eleanor, she's good for you. we also obviously love you and want you to be happy" his dad.

"so i can move in with her?" evan asked with a smile on his face. "yes" they replied, "oh my god" he said turning over to me giving me a big hug. "thank you so much, mr. and mrs. fletcher" i said. "thank you, mom! dad! you guys are the best" he said hugging them.

"come on ell, i'll take you home" he said, "okay" i smiled. we got back in evan's truck and he drove me back home.

my dream is finally coming true. i get to live with my best friend.

author's note!
next chapter will be a major time jump to prom night! which is also the last chapter of the story :)

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