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ellie's pov

i arrived at the location that was sent to me. i parked the car and grabbed my bag that held my phone and taser in it. it was an abandoned warehouse.

"ryan?" i asked as i creaked open the door, nobody was there. "ryan?" i spoke out again, i walked through the doors, trying to be as quiet as possible.

"hello?" somebody said, "someone help me please!" they said. i walked towards the voice and opened the door. "ryan!" i said, "ellie! thank god" he breathed out, "please get me out of here" he said.

"are you okay?" i asked. "my head hurts. i think they hit me over the head with something" he groaned. "it's your dad, ryan. he's back. we need to get the fuck out of here" i said trying to untie him.

"nobody's going anywhere" newlon said closing the door, he stood there holding a gun. "dad! why are you doing this?" ryan asked, "because you betrayed me! you chose her over your own father!" he scoffed.

"dad please don't hurt her. she didn't do anything" ryan pleaded, "she turned you against me, now it's time to get rid of her for good. take her away from everyone who loves her, see how she likes it" he smiled wickedly.

"you're sick!" i cried, "ellie" ryan whispered. "maybe i am. but you took everything from me" he said.

"i'll be nice, you can have a head start" he ssid. "ellie! run as fast as you can. don't look back, don't worry about me. i'll be okay, okay?" ryan said. "ryan" i cried, "time's ticking" sheriff newlon said.

i took off as fast as i could, "YOU CAN RUN, BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE!" he shouted. i hid behind some storage racks, ducking down so he wouldn't see me.

i took out my phone trying to call evan to help me. but the line kept going dead, of course there was no service here. "ELLIE!" he screamed, "come out, come out, whenever you are" he said in a taunting voice.

i can't believe this is happening again. god help me.

sheriff newlon came closer to the area that i was in. i knocked over the rack on top of him and took the chance to run away, again.

he grunted getting back up , "you stupid bitch!" he said coming after me.

he caught up to me and pulled me by my hair and threw me onto the floor. "get off me!" i shouted, he wrapped his hands around my throat.

"get off her!" ryan said knocking something metal over his dad's head.  he groaned as he fell down, "ellie come on! get up!" ryan said pulling me up. "get back here!"

"ryan!" i cried, "just come on, don't look back" he said. his dad started shooting at us, "come on, el! you need to run faster!" he said.

"this ends tonight!" sheriff newlon shouted. "i'll take you both down, if i have to" he said.

"ryan!" i cried, "come on, el!" he said, "ryan! i cant" i cried. "what? why? he asked he looked back at me, i was holding my stomach. "i can't run!" i cried, "oh my god" he said, he put my arm around his neck and helped me walk.

so much blood was oozing out my stomach. ryan dragged us into a random room and locked the door. he also blocked it off with some things that were around.

ryan took off his tank top that he wearing under his shirt and told me to press down on my wound with it. "ryan!" i cried once again, "it's not..it's not stopping" i said. "stay here, okay? i have to get outside and call for help" he said.

"no! no! please don't leave me" i sobbed, "it's gonna be okay? i'll be back i promise i have to call jessica" he said. "ryan! no!" i said as he ran off.

"ELEANOR? RYAN?" the sheriff shouted, ryan please come back, please. i got up groaning as i held my stomach, ow ow fuck. i cried with every movement i did. i saw a window and tried to break it.

"where do you think you're going?" newlon said pulling me away from the window. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" i screamed. he threw me on the ground and got on top of me, putting pressure on my gunshot wound. "ow fuck!" i cried.

"it's time to finish the job once and for all" he said, "FUCK YOU!" i screamed, "NO! FUCK YOU!" he said. all i could feel was more blood coming out and i felt so dizzy. all i could think about was evan.

"ELEANOR!" i heard jess shout, but my eyes shutting and darkness was clouding my vision.

the last thing i heard were more gunshots.

am i dead?

author's note!
short chapter.
you guys enjoyed :) more coming soon.
few more chapters until the end and then i'll be able to start writing the new evan fic!
i'm so excited to share it! 

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