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ellie's pov

"happy thanksgiving!" i smiled as i greeted evan and his parents. "thank you, honey! we brought desert!" she smiled. "this looks great. thank you" i smiled setting it on the kitchen counter.

"it smells amazing!" evan said, "thank you! the turkey's been cooking all day" i replied. "where's ryan?" he asked, "he said he was going to jess's place for a bit" i said. "sweetie, do you need any help?" his mom asked, "no no! please make yourself at home. tonight i serve you" i laughed.

"she's a keeper" she whispered to evan and walked off. "they really love you" he smiled, "but not as much as i do!" he said wrapping his arms around my waist. "go sit with your parents! i got this" i said, "i'd rather keep you company, if you don't mind" he said.

"of course i don't" i replied, i was currently finishing up the side dishes. which consisted of stuffing, creamy corn, mash potatoes, and asparagus. "wow, you really made their favorites" he chuckled, "of course i did! they're always making my favorite meals" i smiled.

"i love you" he said, "i love you, more" i said. "can you actually set the table for me?" i asked. "you got it" he said grabbing plates and cups.

i took the turkey out of the oven and gently placed it down on the dining table. "looks beautiful!" sarah said,  "thank you" i said. "ev, can you help me bring out the sides?" i asked, "yes" he replied.

he grabbed some of the bowls and i grabbed the others. "is ryan joining us?" his mom asked, "he was supposed to be home by now. maybe he's staying at jess's" i said. something felt wrong.

i tried to ignore the feeling and just enjoyed dinner with the fletchers. i grabbed some drinks from the fridge and set them on the table. "okay! everyone please help yourselves" i smiled sitting next to evan.

"is this amazing" his dad said, "i told you, she's an amazing cook" evan smiled. "you picked yourself a great girl" his dad taking seconds. evan looked over at me and smiled. "i think i'm the lucky one. evan's a great. i wouldn't have made through this year without him" i smiled eating my food.

for the reminder of dinner we chatted about plans. apparently, evan and his parents go away every summer and since they didn't go away last year. they invited me to go with them this summer.

"i can't wait for vacation!" i smiled, "oh! you'll love it, we try to go away every two years or so. this summer we were thinking florida" she replied. "that's fun! i've always wanted to go to disney" i said. "we can make that happen, right mom?" evan asked.

"of course!" she said, "i'll be back! i'm gonna go get the dessert" i said. i got the cheesecake that his parents brought with them and some new plates. "so good" i said taking a bite.


i got up from the table clearing the dirty dishes. i packed some leftovers for evan's parents. "we should head home, it's getting late" sarah said to her husband. "before you go, here's some leftovers" i smiled handing her a tub of food. "thank you! honey. so sweet of you"
she smiled.

"thank you for dinner, eleanor. it was lovely" his dad said. "we'll see you later, ev? call if you stay over" his mom said kissing his cheek. "get home safe!" i said.
his parents left and it was only evan and i.

i decided to clean the dishes, so i didn't have to do later on. he helped me by drying them and putting them away. "thank you for helping" i said, "well, thank you for hosting an amazing dinner. they have never loved anyone as much as you" he chuckled.

"not even gabby?" i asked, "nah. to be honest they didn't think gabby and i made a good fit" he said. "good thing we make the perfect one" i said kissing him. "i..love..you..so..much" he said in between pecks of kisses. i giggled, "so..do..i.." i said repeating his actions.

"i'm gonna call, jess. it's pretty weird that ryan's not home yet" i said worriedly, "no problem" he said sitting on the couch.

outgoing call to jess
hey ellie!
happy thanksgiving.
hey jess. happy thanksgiving!
what's wrong?
is ryan still over? he hasn't come yet.
he said he would be back for our first thanksgiving dinner as a family.
he's not here. he left a while ago.
oh okay.
i'll try calling him again.
let me know if you get in touch with him, im worried
yes, of course
i hung up the phone and tried calling ryan again. but still no response. where the hell is he?

as if someone was reading my mind a photo was sent to me. no. i prayed it wasn't who i thought it was. i opened my phone and saw ryan baker's name appear.

i clicked on his message, it was a photo of him passed out, he looked out of it.

i called his number again and this time someone did pick up.

outgoing call to ryan baker
unknown person
miss me? the all familiar distorted voice spoke.
no! where the hell is ryan? what did you do to him?
unknown person
wanna know? come find him. only you.
it was clearly the sheriff. he was alive and he kidnapped ryan? his own son? what the fuck is going on? newlon set me a pin and told me
to come alone, or else he would kill ryan and everyone else that i loved.

"EVAN!" i shouted, "what? what's wrong?" he asked rushing into the kitchen. "the killer he's back" i said, "what do you mean?" he asked confused. "sheriff newlon is alive and he kidnapped ryan! i have to go alone and save him" i explained.

"hell no. you're not going alone" he said, "if i don't he'll kill ryan and everybody else i love. please trust me. i love you" i said. "eleanor" he said. "please" i begged.

evan was so conflicted, "i need to borrow your keys" i said, "please don't leave" he said, "i promise, i'll be okay" i said kissing him. evan caved in and gave me his keys, "please be careful and call me" he said, "call jess. tell her to come over with everyone and wait" i said.

"okay" he said, "i love you, i'll be back" i said running off.

i got intro the black truck and drove to the location that the killer sent me.

author's note!
part 2 will be out later <3

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