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ellie's pov

"ELL!" gabby shouted jumping on my back as i closed my locker door. "yes, my love?" i asked, "do you have lunch plans?" she asked, "just seeing evan as usual. you can eat with us if you want" i smiled, "okay yay!" she said.

"hey my love" evan said giving me a kiss, "hey!" i smiled hugging him. "gab is gonna eat lunch with us, okay?" i said, "sure" he said. i rolled my eyes as i saw clare walk by, flipping her hair like she owns the school.

"hey eleanor, i would love to pick your brain about some dance ideas. can you stop by the council office on your free period?" sam asked, "sure, i would love to help out" i smiled. "do you have practice today?" evan asked, "yes, i do!" i smiled, "us too, so i'll meet after" he said. "sounds good" i said.

"i'm so excited that you made captain!" gabby cheered, "me too!" i smiled. "come on let's go to class" i said already annoyed that clare will be there. "you guys haven't talked in a month, just keep ignoring her" gab said. "plan on it" i said.

we sat in our usual seats, "okay class, break up into pairs and work on this mini project for next 20 minutes. we will present before class ends" the teacher said handing out papers to everyone.

"you know clare's just jealous, because she wanted evan and tried too hard. she clearly didnt know that evan is about his girl" gabby smirked. "i don't care about her, not anymore. evan loves me, and i love him. we worked too hard to let some dumb girl come between us" i said.

"preach" she said, we did the handout within minutes, it was pretty easy. "okay, eleanor and gabby you first" the teacher said.

"very good, thank you" she said, "we have an exam friday, make sure you study!" the teacher said as the bell rang. "eleanor, can we talk?" clare asked, "no" i said walking away. "eleanor!" she said chasing after me.

"leave my girlfriend alone, okay? before she punches you in the face again" evan smirked putting his arm around me. "i just wanted to say im sorry for everything" she said. "okay" i said, "that doesn't mean we're gonna be friends, so don't hold your breathe" i scoffed.

"come on, we have class" he said pulling me away from her. "thank you for having my back" i said, "already told you, i would from now on" he smiled. "jessie! hey" i said hugging her. "hey" she replied, "can i talk to you for second?" "sure" i smiled.

"would it be wrong if i gave ryan another chance?" she asked. "no! of course not. do it, i've been living with him for a month. he's different now, he's actually really caring and protective. it's weird" i laughed. jess smiled, "i'll text him later" she smiled.

we sat down in our seats and class begun.

"god this class is so boring" jess groaned putting her head down in her arms.

class finally ended and i went to the council office to meet with samantha to talk about party ideas. "hey girl!" she smiled cheerfully, "hey" i smiled back.

"so since spring fling is already set up. i was hoping you would help me plan out a theme for prom!" she said excitedly. "that sounds great, what are some ideas that you have?" i asked.

"what about winter wonderland? cinderella themed? ice ball?" she said, "those sound fun! ice ball idea" i smiled. "perfect! i can't wait for june to come!" she said. "you and evan are back together right?" she asked, "yes we are" i smiled. "do you know if scuba is going with anyone?" she asked shyly

"i do not know. but i can find out for you, if you want"
i smiled, "really? thank you" she said. "you're sweet girl. he deserves some happinesses" i said. "he dated yulia, right?" she asked, "yeah, he did" i said. "i'm sorry, i know you guys were best friends" she said.

sam and i searched up some party decorations for the reminder of the free period. "these are perfect!" she said. "so when do people find out the theme?" i asked, "friday!" she smiled, "i just want everything to be perfect, after everything that happened last year everyone deserves it" she said.

"i gotta get to lunch, i'll see you tomorrow" i said grabbing my bag. "bye!" she smiled, "hello, beautiful" evan said wrapping his arm around my waist. "hello" i smiled, "hello freaks" gabby said.

"what are we eating?" she asked, "how does pizza sound?" evan asked, "perfect" we said, we hopped in evan's truck and he drove to the nearest pizzeria. "do you know if scuba is thinking about going to prom?" i asked. "uh no, it's like months away" evan laughed.

"yess i know but i know someone who wants to ask him" i said, "it's sam, isn't she? she's always giving him googled eyes" gabby chuckled, "it's cute, actually." "i'll ask if he's planning on going" evan said.

"cool! thank you!" i said. the three of us sat, eating our pizza. "i love pizza" gabby said, "we know" evan and i laughed. "hey! don't be haters" she pouted, "gab. we need to find you a boyfriend. do you have anyone you like?" i asked raising my eyebrows up and down at her.

"i mean. i always thought jack was pretty cute. but im pretty sure he liked you or something" she said, "nah. he doesn't, he's nice i guess" i said. "didn't you sneak off with him that one time?" she asked.

evan whipped his head to look at me, "it was the day we broke up. don't worry, we didn't hook up or anything" i said. "we skipped and went to the carnival. the whole time i was there with him, i wished i was there with you" i said.

"you don't need to explain. i believe you" he laughed, "we should head back, lunch is almost over" gabby sighed sadly. gabby and i were reaching to pay, but evan took the bill. "i got this you girls go wait in the truck" he smiled. "are you sure? you paid last time" i said, "yes, it's fine" he said, "thank you, ev" gabby smiled.

we went to the truck and waited for him to come back.

"you really changed him, i like the new him. he's more sweet, caring, and just amazing. good for you ellie" gabby said genuinely. "thank you, gabs. that means a lot to me" i smiled.

"let's go, ladies" he said started the engine and driving back to school. it wasn't a long drive, about 10 minutes.

"see you at practice!" i said rushing to my art class.


"nice work everyone! reminder we have our first game
coming up!" i said. we all went to the locker room and changed back into our regular clothes.

"ready to go?" i asked gabby, "yeah" she replied grabbing her bag. we got in my car and i dropped her off at home. "see you tomorrow!" i said, "night!" she said and walked in her house.

"i'm home!" i said walking through the front door. "hey ell, i made dinner" ryan smiled. "it smells good!" i said. "it's fettuccine with shrimp" he smiled, "my favorite!" i said, "i remembered" he said.

we sat down at the table and had a nice family dinner. "can't believe i'm saying this, but i like having you around here" i said twirling my fork around the pasta. "i like being here" he smiled, "life's been tough" i sighed.

"i know, i know you miss your mom and yulia" he said sadly. "if i knew what he was doing, i would've stopped him" he said. "i know, i don't blame you anymore"
i said. "thank you for dinner, it's really good" i added. "i'm glad you like it" he said.

some brotherly love 🫶🏼

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