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ellie's pov

"ELEANOR! WAKE UP!" gabby screamed, "WHAT?" i shouted, "i'm hungry" she pouted. "really gabby? you woke me up out of my slumber for food?" i chuckled. "yes! jessica left a while ago for bagels and im starving!" she groaned. "come on, ill make us some coffee" i said getting up.

we walked over to the kitchen and i made a fresh pot of coffee. "i'm back! i'm sorry i took so long" she said putting the bag of bagels on the table. "what took so long?" gabby asked. "you guys would never believe this" she said. "i fucking saw ryan baker" she said.

"what?" gabby asked in shocked, "he texted me last night. saying that we needed to talk, i ignored him though" i said. "you have to find out what he wants" jess said. "what if he finishes what your dad started? and kills us all?" gabby says frantically.

"gabs. calm down, i'll text him i guess" i replied. "do you really think he's capable of murder?" jess asked, "you tell me, he was your boyfriend" i said. i sighed and took out my phone going to ryan's contact.

messages to ryan baker
what do you wanna talk about?
ryan baker
can you meet me at the diner? please?
alone? i don't trust you.
are you forgetting what you and your father did?
how did you even get out so fast?
ryan baker
because i didn't kill anyone.
they made me go to a juvenile facility for a few months.
can you just meet me so i explain everything? i'm sorry for everything.
i'll meet you there, later. 7pm.
ryan baker
okay, thank you.

"so? what's going on?" gabby asked, "i'm meeting him at the diner at 7pm" i said. "by yourself? are you sure that's a good idea?" she asked. "what more can i do? he wants to explain and i'm giving him the chance to do that. if anything happens ill call you guys" i said.

"i don't know how i feel about this" gab said holding her stomach. "don't worry, gabby i'll be okay" i smiled. the girls heated up the bagels and we sat on the couch.

"shall we continue our binge?" i asked, "of course" gabby smiled, i put on the vampire diaries and we sat there watching for hours.

"i have to get ready to leave, it's already 6:30" i said going upstairs. i changed my clothes into a pair of jeans and a crewneck sweater, i threw on my converse and grabbed my bag.

"you girls can stay if you want" i said, "if we leave we'll lock up" jess smiled. "thank you, ladies" i smiled. "please be safe" gabby said hugging me, "i can'f lose you" she whispered. "i love you" i said.

i got in my car and drove off the diner to meet ryan. i was fucking nervous. but here we go.

i parked my car and sat in the car for a few minutes before getting out. here goes nothing. i got out and grabbed a booth. "do you want to order anything?" the waitress asked, "i'm just waiting on someone" i said.

"hey, sorry im late" he said sitting down across from me. "we'll take some onion rings and two cherry cokes" ryan smiled at the waitress. "that's what you like, right?" he asked, "um yeah. it is" i replied.

"so what did you want to talk about?" i asked, "eleanor.. i'm so fucking sorry about what my dad did. i'm sorry i was apart of it, i didn't know he was the killer. you have to believe" he said. "why should i?" i asked.

"he was the one who kidnapped you guys! he killed your mom, yulia, and everyone else! when i saw what he was capable of doing, i knew i had to get away" he explained. "i don't feel safe with him."

"i don't feel safe with you. you scare me" i said, "please don't be afraid of me" he said, "i'm your brother, i would never hurt you" he said. "you are not my brother. i barely know you" i scoffed. "i've known since first grade! we were friends!" he said.

"you have a lot of nerve coming-" "eleanor? what the fuck is he doing here?" scuba and evan asked coming up to our table. "you told them?" ryan asked, "no i didn't. jessica or gabby probably did" i sighed.

"he's dangerous!" evan said, "guys. please leave" i said, "here guys go" the waitress said putting down the food and drinks. "thank you" i smiled, "if you guys won't go, then please sit you're embarrassing me" i said.

both boys squished into the booth with me, not wanting to sit next to ryan. "okay, personal space" i said pushing evan away from me. "aren't you guys dating?" ryan asked, "not anymore" i said. "why not?" "oh i'm sorry are you here to get the 411 on my relationship or to explain to me why you're psycho?" i asked.

"speak! baker" evan said, i nudged evan with my elbow to make him shut up. "if you're going to speak, then leave" i said. "ryan" i said, "i haven't seen my dad since thanksgiving, i think he's still out there and believe or not, im scared" he admitted.

"you're scared of what?" i asked, "that he's gonna come back, and kill me? or you? or your friends?" ryan said. "he wouldn't he have came back already?" i asked, "no, he's waiting for the right moment. please help me stop him" he said.

"you can't seriously believing this shit?" evan said, "what did i say about speaking? shut up" i said. "you're bossier" ryan chuckled, "yeah well, im tired of being cheated on" i said. "really fletcher?" ryan scoffed.

"it wasn't my fault!" he said, "it never is" i chuckled. "can i stay over?" ryan asked, "lol no" i said. "eleanor!" he begged, "it's better to keep your enemies closer" evan whispered. "are you kidding me?" i whispered back.

"fine. but keep in mind if you try killing me, i have a taser on deck. if you come near me, i will tase you in the balls. got it?" i said, "got it..." ryan said. "my girl is crazy" evan laughed. "bye scuba! bye evan!" i said shoving them out of the booth.

"here's a key" i said walking out.

i got in my car and drove back home. jess and gabby were still there. "thank god! you're still alive" gabby said hugging me. "did you guys really need to tell scuba and evan? they are so embarrassing" i said.

"i was worried" she said, "how'd it go?" jess asked. "uh so, he's staying here for a while. "WHAT?" gabby shouted, "it was evan's idea. he said to keep my enemies close?" i said. "he's right. if ryan stays here, it would be so much easier to keep an eye out on him" jess said.

"i'm so glad you and evan think it's so great putting my life on the line" i said. "he's not going to to do anything. i actually feel bad for him. newlon probably forced him to do everything" jess said. "don't be fouled by the innocent act" gabby scoffed.

"i have to go home" jess said, "i'll stay over" gab smiled. "okay" i replied, "call me if you need me" jess said before leaving.

gabby and i went upstairs and just talked about everything with evan and i. she also went on her frantic rants about ryan being a psychopath.

author's note!
should ryan be given the benefit of the doubt?

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