part four: Cats Ass

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Me and JJ scramble to put our clothes back on while the knocking turns into banging on the door. Whoever the person is isn't talking so I don't know who it is. I slowly crack open the door and see my brother staring at me.

"Can I fucking help you? Why the hell are you banging on the door?" John B looks confused but mad. "Is JJ in there with you? I can't find him anywhere and I know he was helping you."

I shake my head no and motion for him to get out of my room but he looks down at my pants wich are soaked with water. "Why the hell are your pants drenched in water, Bea?"

I look down at my own pants and then back at him. "I fell in the fucking water, okay? Now can you please get the fuck out, asshole? I have to get in the shower."

"Yeah, yeah whatever. If you see JJ, tell him im looking for him." I nod at my brother and shut the door, only to turn around and be pushed into the door by JJ while he smashed his lips into mine. I slowly push him off of me and looked at him out of breath.

"I'll see you later, love." He leaned down and whispered in my ear. In the next few moments he was out the door and into the living room.

Once I get out of the shower and get dressed I walk outside to see everyone in the cats ass, they like to call it that, Sarah and Kie motion for me to get in the hot tub so I run to change into my black bathing suit.

I get in the hot tub and I look over at JJ whos looking me up and down, making me feel a little insecure. I look over at my brother and he gets up to go get drinks.

"Don't ever touch her or I will cut you up." My brother lowly says to JJ before going to get beer. I get out of the hot tub and follow my brother as he went to get beer.

"Heyyy, can I have a beer JB?"  I say smiling sweetly as if to influence him. "Nope, absolutley not, I will not let you get drunk and do something stupid."

John B grabs the beer and weed to go back to our little party. I sit next to pope and JJ while my brother sits across from me.

JJ lets me get a couple sips of his beer when John B isn't looking but sadly not enough to get me drunk.

While we were partying everyone decides to smoke, of course I wasnt allowed to smoke because of my brother so I was the only sober one at the party.

"Lets play a game guys, how about-" Kie stops what shes saying and looks at me and JJ and continues. "Truth or dare." John B points at me and shakes his head.

"She's not playing." I look over at him and right before I'm about to get out of the hot tub I feel arms wrap around my waist and pull me back down.

"We won't say anything stupid on her turn, okay?" JJ says while raising his eyebrows at him. John B looks between us and sighs. "Okay but, you better move your fucking hands."

JJ removed his hand from my waist and flipped him off. I feel Sarah tap me as I'm staring at him. "You wanna go first, Bea?" I look around at everyone and choose Pope as my first victim.

I like to play truth or dare a little different than others. "Pope, truth or dare?"

i look over at pope with a small but flirtasious smirk on my face. "mhm, this is a trick if i pick dare, truth." oh he messed up big time, "Not smart Pope. Is it true that you're still a virgin?" I look over at kie and wink at her.

"Thats not true anymore." Kie lowly says while laughing a little as Pope kisses her neck.

Pope looks around and points at JJ "JJ, truth or dare?" JJ looks at Pope as Kie whispers in his ear, Pope turns to look at Kie and his jaw drops.

JJ sits up a little and winks at me as he does. "It's not fun without a dare." JJ looks at me and then Pope.

Pope snickers before speaking. "Sorry John B, in advance." John B clearly didnt hear him because he was too busy talking to Sarah.

what came out of popes mouth would change everything. "I dare you to flirt with the hottest person in this hottub."

I just don't know // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now