part six: surfing date

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I wake up from last night remebering little to nothing. I remeber JJ apoligizing for something and then us drinking.

I get out of bed and walk out into the living room where everyone's already watching tv.

"Morning Bea. Why'd you leave so early last night?" I hear a familiar voice say, I turn around to see Pope holding five beers. I grab one and it immedeatly leaves my hand.

"Nope, you're still not drinking Bea, sorry." I look up at my brother and sigh. At least I had some last night thanks to JJ. Luckily I didnt say that out loud.

I decide I want to go out instead of staying in. "What are we doing today? I'm bored." I look at everyone and see sarah shakes her head, "No, sorry. I have to work, speaking of I have to go."

Sarah walks out the door and so does John b. "What? I'm her ride." I watch him leave as JjJscreams at him. "Pussy-whipped bitch." Pope has to help his dad so he leaves.

Its just me, Kie, and JJ. "Y'all wanna go surfing?" We all grab boards and decide to go to the beach.

"Do you even know how to surf bea?" I look at kie and shake my head a little. "Not at all, but you can teach me Jj, right?" JJ looks over at me and nods. Jj runs towards the water and Kie follows. I dont because I would drown. 

I watch kie and Jj surf for about 5 minutes before I try without help. "Bea! Please wake up."

I hear kie yelling for Jj and then loud footsteps in the sand. I feel large hands on my chest pushing down and then lips pushing into mine. I suddenly wake up and spit out all of the water that was in my lungs.

Kie wraps her hands around my neck while crying. "I thought you were going to die." I see Jj staring at me while a tear falls from his eye. I slowly stand up and Kie holds my arm so i dont fall.

I run up to Jj and hug him as tight as I could. "Im so sorry I thought it was as easy as it looked. im never surfing again."

Jj looks back at Kie and then at me. "Your damn right youre never doing that again. Are you okay?" I nod while talking, "Im good, j"

"I like blondie better." Jj says while looking down at me because im so short. "Blondie it is then." Kie walks up to us mumbling something that im able to make out.

"Hey guys, I dont think John b would like that you just kissed her but I don't judge and I don't snitch."

Me and Jj laugh at what Kie said. Jj tuns around to grab our boards while whispering to herself. "Wouldnt be the first time." Kies eyes widen, She must have heard what he said.

"I want all the fucking details." Kie says to me, while we walk back to the chateau I tell her everything.

We walk in the door just as I finish my story. "And then he called me love and left." My back was to the room inside so I didnt see my brother sitting at the table drinking a beer with sarah, "Who called you love bea?" I turn around and look at john b and sarah.

"Shes telling me about her old boyfriend. Right Bea?" I look at kie and raise my eyebrows at her. I look back at my brother and sigh, "Yeah everytime he would leave he would call me love."

John b looks at me and shrugs like he's over it. "Im going to change really quick ok?" Everyone nods at me except fot Jj because he wasnt in the house yet.

Im almost finished changing when Jj walks in, luckily I had a bra and jean shorts on so I wasnt naked.

"Oh, flashbacks Bea, thanks for that." I look at Jj and throw my shirt on, "What do you want blondie?"

Jj looks at me. "This is my room too, love." I walk over too Jj and nod, "Right, sorry."

Jj hugs me out of nowhere, "Im so glad you are ok Bea, really." I look up at Jj and laugh. "I probably would be dead if it wasnt for you, Jj thank you." Jj looks at me and leans down to get closer.

"You do know that kiss didnt count right?" "Oh, because you were just saving my life." Jj kisses me softly and I kiss him back.

We break away after a while and Jj walks over to the bathroom before stoping and leaning on the door frame.

"I like you, bea I have since the moment I met you, but I know that john b would kill me so I wont go to far." I walk over to Jj and place a kiss on his cheek.

"I like you too, I have since you opened the door. And yes John b would be mad but I dont care about him. As long as he doesnt find out we should be good. so , secret?"

Jj looks at me and puts his pinkie out, I do the same and we interlock fingers "Secret forever Bea."

I just don't know // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now