part thirteen: the gold

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We all plie in the van, while I watch everyone get in I realize JJs not in yet.

"Is JJ not coming,or shoud I go get him?" I look over to my brother for an answer who's already getting out of the drivers seat and walking to the door. "No, I'll get him hes clearly pissed with you. but who can blame him I am too."

Why would Rafe even say that 'I have his number' I don't. I check my phone for the third time to see if I do and to my relief I dont.

I look up after putting my phone into my pocket and I see John b and JJ walking to the van.

John b gets back in the front to drive and JJ looks at Sarah in the front and moves to the back.

He climbs in the van and sits on the oppisite side of me. 'Can we talk' I mouth to JJ to which he sighs loudly and mouths back 'Later'

I nod and look at Kie and ask her where we're going because I know John b won't answer me.

"So, what are we doing on figure eight?" Kie answers like nothing happened earlier.

"Well, theres something about gold that your dad found and it's supposedly under this house.

On water or something. I dont really know much about it but he does." She says the last part while pointing to John b who stops the car in front of this house that looks like its from the 1900's

"Damn." I hear Pope say when hes getting out of the van, Kie speaks while trying to find an opening in the gate.

"This is at least half of the houses on figure eight. And they could have just donated money to the cut. But no, be assholes whatever." I laugh at her comment and then make my own

"This looks almost like my New York house." I look over at Kie who's now laughing and trying to jump over the fence while Pope is trying to get everyone around, JJ and John b are mumbling to themselves until John b decides to speak aloud to backtrack my comment.

"Thats because your a fucking kook." I scoff at him and he continues.

"Well, your'e not a pouge so." I shrug off his comment and jump the fence because I could have probably stepped over it if I wanted to.

"So where is this water you speak of." JJ says while climbing over the fence after me.

John b is the one to answer him. "I assume under the house somewhere, because theres no other fucking water around.

Sarah laughs and whispers to me as she passes, "Someones got an attitude."

As soon as she speaks she jumps back because the overhead light turns on. 'Shit' I whisper to myself and we all hide behind a big-ish bush we find. JJ ends up behind me and whispers in my ear.

"Why do you have Rafe's number Bea?" I look back at him slowly and wait for the light to turn off to try to walk out of the bush again.

My atempt surley fails because I'm pulled back into the bush by JJ when the light turns on again.

"We can talk about this later?" I whisper back just to shut him up. The boys try to devise a plan to turn off the porch lights but I come up with one faster.

"What if I go up to the porch to turn off the breaker which should shut the lights off." Everyone nods and the girls decide to come with me.

Us girls walk lowly to the porch and realize that the breaker box is inside.

"I'll go in so I can turn it off." I cut off Sarah and speak over her. No, because if anything happenes to you then John b will actually kill me, I'll go."

I try to wiggle the doorhandle and it opens easily. I walk in the house and it feels haunted.

I feel around for the breaker and when I feel it I try to open it but stumble and fall on the groud. Fuck I mouth to myself and get up to do it again. I turn off the breaker and walk back outside.

We all walk around and go under the house. John b and JJ are arguing when I hear someone yell.

I'ts sarah, she tells us that the old crane lady is awake and we all try to run and hide. She makes her way under the house to us and starts shooting.

I feel a sharp pain in my lower abdomain and brush it off. We all find a good spot and hide until she leaves. Pope, JJ, and Kie all get up and start getting the rope and everything ready.

"So, who's going down?" Pope asks knowing hes not going to, "I'll do it. im small enough."

I say and John b grabs my shoulder while talking. "Yeah, and risk you getting hurt or drowning, no thanks. i'm going."

I dont even have a second to argue because Pope is already tiying him up.

Pope runs through what to do and i still feel the pain in my stomach so I reach down and feel around but what I feel is wet so I pick my hand up and I see blood on the tips of my fingers.

I wipe the blood onto my jeans and forget about it. I sit in pain for a couple of minutes before I hear,

"I got some lets go." I run to the van and when everyone gets in I slam the door and we drive away. All the puges are yelling but i'm not, I feel myself fade in and out and I hear JJ yell.

"Wait guys, guys." Everyone yells over him, "SHUT THE FUCK UP, Bea is that blood." He gets closer to me and John b slams on breaks.

John b gets out of the van and opens the door closest to me.

"Holy shit you're shot, Sarah drive now. I'm here Bea im here."

Sarah gets into the drivers seat and everyone shuts the doors as we drive away. hey, at least we found the gold. The last thing I see is JJ wiping tears and then evrything goes black.

I just don't know // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now