morning punches

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"what the actual fuck is happening?"

JJ and I wake up at the same time JJ jumping out of the bed first

"Dude its not what it looks like" JJ says trying to find the discarded shorts from last night.

"Um youre naked in bed cuddling my sister. Can't get any fucking clearer can it."

I find my bottoms and snag JJs shirt and stand up behind the bed.

"JB-" he cuts me off imediatley

"Don't fucking 'jb' me what the hell Bea, you cant sleep with him."

Something about that sentence pushes a button because I get really pissed off.

I don't think just talk.

"Well to bad dickhead, we already did on the bed, on the floor, in you're bed."

"Shut the fuck up Bea," He turns to JJ now shaking with clenched teeth.

"And you, I told you not to touch her, everytime you looked her way, or touched her at all you were just remembering how you fucked my baby sister, God JJ you cant keep one rule alive can you, that's why I didn't want you near her. Everything could get fucked for this. Do you even feel bad?"

Me and JJ look to each other because were not sure who he's talking to. I drop my gaze to the floor while JJ stares my brother down.

"No." Is all JJ says, or can say. With my eyes still on the floor all I hear is John b yelling something and then JJ hitting the floor hard enough it shakes.

As I look up John b is above JJ cursing him out so I step in front of them.

"John b what the hell is wrong with you?" He looks up at me and seathes

"Me? What the hell is wrong with me, you really want to go there. Lets go there. To start you show up on my doorstep thinking I was just going to let you in, I did but that's not the point, next I find out youve slept with rafe, my enemy need I remind you, then you kiss one one my friends. Not really you're fault but still."

He stops talking as we hear JJ getting up off the floor standing next to me.

"Then I find out my little fucking sister is doing drugs. And not just any drugs, fucking coke. I mean who the fuck even does coke. And after all that I came in here to apologize for being such an arrogant over-protective asshole, but to my surprise I find that you have slept with my best friend, the one person I thought would respect my rules by the way, so yeah what the hell is wrong with you not me, I've got nothing to do with this, you're just a slut. who has probably slept with more people than JJ so maybe you are meant for each other."

I see JJ reach his first out and knocks John b on his ass, "that's for calling my girlfriend a slut."

John b rubs his chin and stands back up, "What she's you're girlfriend now, God you don't do girlfriends JJ you just fuck em and leave em. That's who you are bro."

John b walks to the door and stops at the door frame. "Oh and JJ pack you're shit you're out." 

I just don't know // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now