part eight: the morning after (part one)

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I wake up foggy headed after what happened. I get out of bed and walk to the bathroom and look in the mirror.

I see my reflection and reach for my black eye thats really bruised up. I wince at the pain and throw on some day clothes.

As i'm changing I see all the brusies on my arms and legs and let a tear fall as I put my clothes on. I walk out to the living room and sit in front of the tv, wincing as I sit down. my brother aproches me.

"Are you ready to talk about it?" I look up at him and try to stand up. I'ts no use because my body is too weak.

"Not yet, I need to cool off first." Jj walks out of our room and into the kitchen. He turns to look at me and John b, he proceeds towards us cursing himself out. "What the hell happened last night?"

I use the rest of my strength to stand up and I walk outside thinking I could get away from them and see the girls in the hottub and sigh in relief.

"Hey Bea, get in. if you feel up to it." Kie says in almost a questioning tone. "Yeah sure i'll go get my bathing suit on." I walk into the house and Jj follows me to our room, not knowing I have to change.

Me and Jj walk into our room and he shuts the door and locks it. "I need you to tell me exactly what happened, are you ok?" I walk over to my drawer and grab the most basic bathing suit I could find.

I start to walk to the bathroom but stoped before I could go in to shut the door and look at Jj. "I'ts nothing that hasnt happened before." I walk into the bathroom and slam the door.

Once i'm finished changing and walk out of the bathroom to see Jj sitting on the bed.

"What the fuck does that mean Bea?" I put my clothes in the basket and sit on the bed next to him. "Look, my stepdad got mad when I snuck out one time so he hit me a couple times." I feel a couple tears fall down my face and Jj pulls me into his chest.

"Bea, I had no idea i'm so sorry." I lift myself off of Jj and kiss him. After us making out for a little bit he asks me again, ruining the moment. "Who did that to you?" He says while motioning to my eye. I touch my face and wince a little.

"Look, if I tell you you can't get mad." Jj nods as to agree with me.

"It was Rafe."

Next thing I can remeber Jjs out of our door and yelling at John b to get the hell in the van and they drive off.


authors note: sorry its so short i just wanted to leave this one on a cliffhanger and there will be a part two soon so stay close

I just don't know // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now