part 21: you kissed my sister?

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"what the fuck Pope?" JJ stands up from the couch and so does pope, kie says, "what happened JJ, sit down." JJ looks to kie and then at pope.

"tell her pope, tell her what Bea just told me." I look at pope and mouth 'sorry' Pope looks at me and shrugs. "listen JJ, lets talk about this."

"you wanna explain to me why you thought it was ok to kiss Bea?" JJ says. John b stands from the chair he and Sarah were sitting in.

with his teeth clenched together he says, "you kissed Bea Pope?" I stand up and walk in front of JJ. "for real lets talk about this."

I realize that I should of stood in front of Pope because I see John b's fist come out of nowhere and land on Pope's right cheek.

pope stumbles backwards but kie catches him, "what the fuck John b?" I say and my brother looks at me and spits out onto the ground.

he looks back at pope and steps towards him, "whyd you kiss my sister?" he asks with anger in his tone. pope stands up and kie sits back down, not caring.

"John b listen, I didn't mean for you to find out." John b punches pope in the face again this time in the eye.

"if you didn't want me to find out you shouldn't have fucking been macking on my sister, get the fuck out." John b says.

I run over to Pope who's now on the ground holding his face, I walk over to my brother and slap him across the face,

"why the fuck did you hit him?"  I said while checking on Pope's eye. John b sighs and sits back down.

"your off limits, he knew that. he's just finding out the consequences." he says, "you don't get to do that." I say.

"do what, protect you from guys?" "yes, quite literally yes. you have been out of my life for 12 years, don't act protective now."

he stands up and walks over to me till he's in my face, "I'm going to protect you till I die, that's a fucking given Bea, you are my sister. if you were a random ass girl I wouldn't give a shit who you slept with. you are a Routledge you are my sister by blood. I am here to be a pain in the ass. a stick in the mud, a fucking overprotective brother. that is what I am, so fucking deal with it."

I step back and blink for a second, thinking. "he doesn't have to leave jb, please let him stay." my brother steps away from me and towards Pope.

"so he can try to kiss you again, I don't fucking think so. get out." pope stands and looks at me I try to say something but JJ stops my talking.

"Bye pope, see you never." JJ salutes to Pope before flipping him off. "I'm going to the beach I'll see you guys later. I say before walking off.


I walk to the beach and no one follows me there. "hey Bea, you never called I thought you regreted what happened."

I turn around and see rafe standing behind me, "hey rafe sorry a lot of shit happened. John b yelled at me, Pope kissed me. it was really weird."

"did you say that Pope kissed you?" he says while pulling his eyebrows together. "yeah, and then my brother hit him it was-"

"why the fuck would you let him kiss you?" I look at rafe and take a deep breath. "what? I didn't let him kiss me he just did."

rafe steps towards me and I try to back up but hit the fence. "why didn't you stop him from kissing you?" I try to breath but no air comes to me.

"rafe please back up." "you're just a slut Bea, you kiss every guy you meet and then leave 'em hangin right?" he says while getting closer to me.

"fuck you. you're not worth it." rafe raises his hand and slaps me across the face. he steps back gasping at himself for what he did.

"oh my God Bea I'm so sorry, are you ok." I push past him crying and I run back to the house. I stop at a friends house on the way to smoke a little.


when I reach the front porch its dark out. I stumble trying to open the door even though its unlocked. I knock on the door and John b opens it.

"hey, I was wondering when you were gonna come back, did you go to see rafe again?" I shake my head and remember what happened at the beach.

"n-no" I slurr my words, "um I went to the beach and then went to a friends house." I see JJ walking up to us and he leans on the door frame.

"you have friends here. other than us?" I laugh and then nod, "um yeah I do. his names barry and he has some of the best drugs ever."

I do little finger guns at the boys but they just look at me and grimace. "what kind of drugs Bea?" John b says.

"right I forgot you were doing that whole overprotective brother thing. we just smoked and that's all I'll tell you."

JJ grabs my wrist and takes me to our room, shutting the door behind me. "what drugs did you do Bea? if you wont tell jb tell me."

"you wont tell him right?" he shakes his head and I beliive him, I lean into his ear just in case my brother can hear me.

"we did a lot of coke. that shit was good JJ you should try it." he shakes his head and opens the door.

"John b she did coke." he yells across the house. "God damn Bea what the fuck?" everything goes black as I hit the floor.

I just don't know // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now