part three: the shower

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                                                                                                          Warning: a teensy freaky deaky :P
I woke up just as we were pulling up to the chateu and stumbled while getting out and walking through the front door.

I walk to my room while rubbing my eyes and everyone else went to their room to change.

I head to the bathroom to try and take a shower but realize I don't fucking know how to work this shower.

"Hey JJ, can you come help me? I don't know how to work this shower." I shout and hear him appear behind me.

"So, basically, you just pull this and turn it." JJ said while he looked me up and down. "Okay, thanks babe." I mindlessly say to him and turning the shower on.

as JJ was about to exit the bathroom he walked back in and shut the door behind him, locking it.

"What're you doing JJ?" He looks at me with a goofy smile on his face, "I need to shower too, baby."

"You think my brother's gonna appreciate us showering together?" He looked at me without a care in the world.

"So, you got a boyfriend I take it?" I looked over at JJ and sat down on the surprisingly low counter.

"Why do you care? You're just my brothers best friend." I look at him while smirking giving him the option to flirt back or take it seriously and leave.

JJ gives me a half smile and walks up to me going in between my legs. "I mean, do you think of me as '

just your brothers best friend'? I didn't think that'd stop us from being a little more." He says then bites his lip. The way he said those words make me go weak.

Thank god I'm sitting on the counter or else my knees would go out and I would fall to the floor.

"No. I don't have a boyfriend, my stepdad forced us to break up 'cause he's a controlling fuck."

I said while looking at the ceiling. I look down to see him bent down with his hands on his knees to reach my face better, and we were only inches apart.

"Get out, I have to take a shower." I say while hopping off the counter and walking towards the shower. He looks at me with a smirk and laughs "Don't flatter yourself, I'm not looking."

I turn around and looked at him like he was dumb. He points to the glass shower and motions for me to get in.

I take my jacket off and now I'm just in my tank top, my boobs spilling out.

"What were you saying about not looking?" I say while looking up at him. At this point I'm standing outside the shower, checking the water to see how hot it is.

"Holy shit, that's hot." I throw the hot ass water on JJ who jumps and scoffs and just looks at me before going to get water to throw at me.

Me and JJ throw water at each other until I go to get more water and slip on all the water on the floor. As I'm about to fall into the water I feel strong arms wrap around my waist.

"Are you okay?" I slowly turn around to look up at JJ seeing as he is almost a foot taller than me. "Yeah baby, I'm good." He starts to lean in as I gain back my balance.

JJ and I almost touch lips when he suddenly picks me up and he steps into the water. He smashes his lips into mine and our tounges wrestle for a couple minutes.

JJ sets me down slowly and I feel all of the water drench my clothes as he carasses my body. "Lets get rid of that." JJ says as he's removing his shirt.

I start to remove my tank top when we hear a knock on the door. "Shit."

I just don't know // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now