the morning after (part two)

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                                                                                                                           Jj's pov:

'It was Rafe' She said.

I cant get those fucking words out of my mind. I'm dealing with this with John b.

He's asking where we're going. "It was Rafe." John b slams on the breaks, and I almost go through the winsheild, as i'm settiling down he turns the car off and looks at me.

Luckily we are on a secluded dirt road so no ones here. "What the fuck was Rafe, Jj?"

I look at John b with pure rage in my eyes. I have to tell him. "Your sister, she said Rafe was hitting on her and he hit her."

John b starts the engine again and starts driving. "Where are we going now." John b looks at me and answers while gritting his teeth.

"The Cameron's." Me and Jj sit in silence most of the ride other than coming up with a plan on how we are going to go through with this.

We arrive at the gates and get out of the van. John b and I hop the wall and walk over to the door.

We knock a couple times and ward opens the door. "What do you pouges want?" Me and John b look at each other and nod.

"We need to talk to your son, now." Ward walks half way up the stairs and yells for Rafe to come downstairs.

I watch Rafe walk down the stairs and then stare at me. He seems as though he contemplates going back upstairs but doesn't.

"What the hell do you want?" Rafe says as he motions for his dad to leave the room.

Ward does so and then John b lunges at rafe. John b stays on top of Rafe for a while and Rafe blocks most of the punches except for a coupe hard blows to the face. "Dont ever touch my fucking sister again or I'll fucking kill you."

John b stand up and off of Rafe. He spits on Rafe and walks over behind me. I'm so mad that I need to say something, what I want to say will get me hit so I have to do it without John b hearing me.

I walk over to Rafe and get down to where hes laying on the floor and whisper to where John b cant hear me. "If you so much as look at my girlfriend ever again I'll see to it that you die a slow and painfull death, got it?"

Rafe stands up and punches me in the face, not enough to knock me over so I retaliate quicly knocking his ass out, we got in the van after I tried to take his money but John b told me not to.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              "What did you say to him, I didnt hear it?" John b says while were driving back to the chatuea.

I Try to change the subject, "Bea's probably gonna be pissed at us." John b looks over at me and goes with the change of subject, "No probably, she will be. I'ts your fault you got us in the van." I shrug and John b keeps asking me questions.

"How did you get Bea to tell you what happened, she wouldn't even talk to me about it."

John b looks between me and the road and i tell him. "I just told her i wouldnt get mad and she told me." I look over at the road and feel that John b wants to say something but doesnt for a while.

Eventualy he speaks his mind, he asks a question i didnt expect him to even think. "Is there something going on between you and Bea. Please tell me, I wont be mad, for real." I look over at John b and I can tell its a trap.

"N-No, I wouldnt do that to you, If she wasnt your sister then yeah I would hit that but, no it would be wrong."

John b visibly sighs and laughs, "Good because I thought I could feel something but you wouldnt do that to me, also I would litteraly fuck you up for even thinking about her like that."

I feel John b's eyes on me and then we pull into the chateua. "Also, dont ever say that you would sleep with my sister, even if she wasn't."

John b and I get out of the twinkie and I feel someone run up to me and hug me.

"Where the fuck were you guys, I thought you died." Bea looks up at me and I realize its now dark out. I walk in the house and walk into the room and I hear Bea walking in after me and shutting the door.

"Bea wh-what are you-" I'm cut off by Bea kissing me like she claiming me.

"Thats for being there for me." She kisses me again and I kiss her back. We end up making out for a while until she breaks off to go see the girls.

I tell her im going to bed and she gives me a sweet kiss. "Sweet dreams, baby."

Authors note: sorry this one and the last one were kinda short i just wanted the suspence to be good and i wanted to have two diffrent povs. click the star if you liked the book so far

I just don't know // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now