part 15: Guess whos back

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I look at my mom and scoff."I guess it takes me getting fucking shot for either of you to care about me. how did you know I was here?"

My mom scoffs like I'm wrong (I'm not) and walks over to my bed. "You dont think that they call your parents when you go to the hospital?"

I look between my mom and my step dad and start to raise my voice,

"You guys are no longer my parents, especially you. You never were." I point over to my stepdad and he puts his hand to his chest like he's surprised, "Excuse me?" He says

"You fucking heard me, Get the fuck out. Now." My mom tries to sit on my bed and I let her because I guess she still is my mom,

"I-we think it was a bad idea letting you come here. You werent- you're not ready." I scoff and look her in the eyes and yell at her, "You're so fucking funny, I'm not going back with you."

I'm so mad and in the moment I dont see or hear the door open. My mom tries to put her hand over mine but I pull mine away.

She stands and speaks. "Yes, you are coming home. I'm your mother and you will listen to me."

I get out of my bed, which I dont know if i'm supposed to do but I do anyway.

"You lost that title when you took me and made me leave my dad and brother." I look between her eyes and shrug,

"And if you were my mom and actually cared, you wouldnt have let him-" I point over at my step-dad and catch my breath before I continue,

"You wouldn't have let him hit me my whole life."

My step-dad walks over to me and grabs my arm, "You're coming home. Even if I have to drag you there myself."

I feel him standing over me and then suddenly hear a loud crash and hes no longer holding me.

I look over at where he is and I see JJ standing over him, punching him in the face.

I look over at my mom and shes gasping but doing nothing. I walk over to where JJ is and try to pull him off but I cant do much because i'm in pain.

"JJ please hes not worth it." JJ stops hitting him and looks over at me. "It's worth it if he hurt you."

He gives him one more good punch to the face and he stands up.

JJ walks up to me like nothing happened. "So, they're discharging you today, we already picked up your pain killers so we can leave now if you want."

I look over at my mom whos now looking over my step-dad seeing if hes okay.

"Yeah lets go." As me and JJ are walking out of the hospital to the van where evryone is I stop us.

"JJ, if you could not tell John b about this that would be awsome."

I dont give him a second to answer or argue because i'm already halfay to the van. Once we reach the van he opens the door and I slowly get in and greet everyone.

All of the pouges ask me a million questions and I dont answer one of them. "So should we go swimming?" I look over at my brother whos driving and I see him shaking his head.

"No water on your wound except for shower water, so no." I sigh but shrug and JJ starts talking, "What if we just had a chill day, like," His face lights up wich scares me a little. "Movie night." He finally says and everyone agrees.

We arrive back at the cheatuea and everyone gets out of the van and stops to watch me get out like I'm going to stumble and fall. JJ offers to help me with a helping hand but I dont take it seeing as I can do it myself.

We watch Hunger Games all night and everyone but me and JJ fall asleep. We make sure everyone is asleep and we wonder off in our room (iykyk).


Half an hour later we go back into the living room to see everyone still asleep except for Pope who doesnt look at us when we talk to him.

"You guys are lucky there deep sleepers but I'm not." He shuders dramaticaly and we aplogize before waking everyone up because we want to party.

John b wakes up first and curses us out but grabs beers for everyone.

He hands me a beer and I look at him comepletley surprised. "You were shot, so you get one." I thank him and he repeats himself, this time more meanly, "One, Bea." I nod and shoo him away.

We all drink and I end up having five beers whithout my brtoher noticing wich isnt good. I walk over to JJ and sit on his lap.

"Hey blondie, you look hot tonight." I cringe at myself but shrug it off as I feel someone pull on my arm.

I look up at my brother and scoff at him, he looks at me angrily and tries to get me to stand up.

"How many have you had Bea?" I shrug and hold up five fingers. He looks at me and laughs "you're going to bed, now."

"N-no I'm not. You cant tell me what to do. You're not my dad."

I laugh at my own joke and then ther'es a knock on the front door. My brother looks at me and I walk over to get it but JJ ends up pulling me back while my brother opens the door instead.

"Mom?" I hear John b say and I run over to the door like I'm as sober as ever.

She looks at my brother and pulls him in for a hug like she never left. "Oh my goodness, youre so big. How old are you now, 18?" Me and my brother share a look and sigh.

My brother answers her because I sure as hell won't. "Were twins mom, you would remeber that if you ever called." She gasps and steps back as to look at us next to each other.

As she steps back I see her car. Which holds my step-dad in the drivers seat.

She cuts right to the chase as if she cant stand being out here anymore. "Bea, I trust you have your bags packed. The planes leaving in two hours." I look at her and loose all of the air in my lungs.

My brother looks at me surprised. "You're leaving already?"

I just don't know // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now