where is home now?

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                                                                                                                             JJs pov

"what just happened?" Bea asks me while sitting on the edge of the bed

"I don't know but he was pissed." I say while sitting with her

"where does he think you're going to go, you cant go home." she looks to the floor then back to me

I cover her hand on my leg with my own and make her look at me

"I don't know but I think its best that I do leave for a little bit." I watch her sigh and nod

"I know." we both jump a little when we hear a glass break from the living room.

"what the fuck?" Bea says as she runs out of the room and I follow her

we see John b by the couch with the remains of a vase on the floor next to him.

"John b what happened" I ask slowly as to not strike a nerve

"what do think happened to make me this upset?" so much for plan A

he sits on the couch as Bea grabs the broom to sweep up the mess

"by the way have you got your shit ready?" he looks my way but not in my eyes

"no not yet we just had this conversation J." I try the nickname for plan B

"don't fucking say that, we are not friends anymore. we haven't been since the moment I walked into you guys' room this morning."

hes dead ass serious I can tell that much. "yeah I'll get right on that." I feel beas presence as she walks in.

I turn to look at her and shes already talking. "I cant find the fucking broom."

"then just fucking leave it I'll get it, why don't you go help your little boyfriend pack so he can get the fuck out of my face."

she laughs but cuts it short as he starts grinding his teeth. she cooks one hip out and rests her hands on both of them.

"if he's going I'm going." God I fucking love this woman.

"why so you guys can go sleep together where no one else can catch you? no that's not happening."

"last I checked you're not my dad." Bea says walking towards her brother.

"no but I am your older brother and dad isnt here so yeah I'm next in line Beatrice, go to your room." he says while standing off the couch.

she scoffs at her name, "I'm sorry but you did not use my full name." John b turns to her and she puts her hands up.

"sorry I'll go to my room I guess but can JJ come?" she says while looking at me.

John b turns fully around and stares her down and then looks to me. "nice fucking try we need to talk. go."

Bea turns on her heels and walks to our room while flipping her brother off.

I turn back to John b and he walks over to the kitchen table, this kind of talk huh?

"look John b I'm so sorry you had to find out this way but..." I trail off watching him get angrier by the second.

"JJ, your my best friend but I just found out you were screwing my sister. I don't want to hear your fucking voice right now so just listen."

I wait silently for him to keep talking so he does.

"what yuo did was fucked up to say the least, I mean who the fuck does that to the person who gives you everything, a house, food, everything you could ask for I gave to you and her. damn bro why did you have to hide this from me instead of just telling me?"

"because we both know how you get about her," I don't say her name," your protective and you warned me to stay away but I didn't, it was just worth it I guess."

"you both could have at least told me, or hid it better, I mean damn you were really bad at hiding it."

we both chuckle and I know I'm getting somewhere with him. "do you?"

I don't ask him to elaborate because I know what he's asking. "yeah I do, I love her more than anyone."

he looks at me and stands I stay there for a minute while he claps my shoulder.

"I think you should still get a room for tonight, everythime I look at you  see things a brother should never see."

I stand and we hug, "yeah I understand."

I got to my room to get what I need to stay in a motel but stop before I reach the door.

"Jb don't get mad at her ok, I started it." he looks at me and nods, "just don't fucking hurt her or it will be a lot worse than it was this time."

I nod to him and leave a little later.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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I just don't know // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now