part seven: the kegger

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I woke up in a really good mood from what happened last night. Jj and I are now secretly dating but not dating.

I don't really know how to explain it. I walk out the door and see the girls standing by the bell our dad used to ring when we were ready for dinner. I walk up to them and, say hi.

"What are we supposed to do today." I look between Kie, and Sarah, and Sarah starts to speak, "Well I don't know if your allowed to go, but theres a party at the boneyard."

Sarah looks over my, shoulder and so do I. I spot the boys walking towards us, and when they reach us John b throws his arm over Sarah. Pope does the same to Kie.

"I heard there was a party tonight. You have to let me go." I say to John b basicaly begging.

"No, your not going. I dont know if I can keep an eye on you the whole time, and I dont want anything happening." I look over to Pope and he throws his arms up in a surrender. "I cant help you here Bea sorry."

Jj walks over to me and throws his arm around my shoulders. He's done this so much that John b doesnt even care. To an extent. "I can keep her by my side the whole party.

She wont drink a drop." Jj puts his hand up like hes swearing. I know that Jj will let me drink so I look over at him and smile. Jj looks at me and smiles back.

John b walks right by me grabbing my arm to get me away from Jj. "You promise you wont kiss anyone, or drink at all?"

I nod to my brother and say yes. "And Jj, if your with my sister you can't break away to go hook up with some girl." Jj walks over to me, and hugs me from behind. "I wont hook up with anyone."

"Good, now get the fuck off my sister before i have to get you off myself." Jj lifts himself off of me and waits until my brother turns around to lean into my ear to whisper.

"I'll see you at the party" He winks before walking away to go smoke probably.


I'm getting ready for the party in my bathroom and luckily no one has walked in because i'm worried that if John b sees what im wearing he'll make me change.

I threw on my only party appropriate clothes wich was a black lacey top with a black short skirt. I finish my makeup and walk out to my room.

"Holy shit Bea, you look hot." Jj is leaning on the doorframe and he walks in and shuts the door. "

Do you like it, i'm mad I cant drink so that sucks." Jj walks behind me to change and I dont realize until I turn around as well. "Oh fuck, sorry." "I'ts fine Bea, I dont mind."

Jj finishes getting dressed and goes to his bookbag where he has three beers. He throws two to me and cracks open his.

"Come on drink up I cant have John b getting on my ass about you drinking." I chug both beers and hear john b yell for us to get in the car.

Jj plants a sweet kiss on my lips and hes out the door. I follow a little after putting on the finishing touches of purfume.

I hop into the van and i'm imediatly hit by my brothers words "You're not wearing that, sorry."

I start to complain when Jj cuts me off "We're going to be late to our own party, lets just go."

John b scoffs and starts to drive off mumbiling something about how i'm going to get hit on.

We arive at the party and walk over to the keg and everyone grabs a drink. Jj grabs two and uses the 'Im gonna chug them' excuse. Me and Jj wait for everyone to go their seperate ways before we walk over to a unocupied tree.

"So, what do we do now." Jj hands me a beer and goes to cheers me "Well," Jj takes my hand to lift my cup up but I beat him to it.

"We cheers, to a secret." me and Jj clink our cups together and chug them. Jj sneaks away to get more beer when someone aproches me.

"Hey Bea right, I heard about you." I look over at the taller man with a weird ass buzz cut, "Hi, um who are you." The guy pulls his hands out of his pockets and reaches one out.

"rafe, rafe cameron. my sister talks about you a lot." i turn to where jj is and see that hes still getting beers while talking to my brother.

i reach for this rafe kids hand and shake it. "yeah your sisters dating my brother."

rafe takes the hand hes shaking and spins me around with it. "Guess its meant to be that we should be together."

I shake my head at him and try to back up, "No sorry im not into you like that. I like someone else."

Rafe gets closer to me and puts his hand on my waist. "I think you might want to rethink that answer Bea."

I try to get out of his grip by shaking a little but its not working. "Rafe please get the hell off of me." I think fast and I feel my fist going through the air.

Next thing I know rafes on the ground and no ones around so they dont see us. Rafe slowly gets up and then lunges at me fist first.

I get knocked down to the ground and I try to put up a fight but its no use.

"Oh my god, Bea are you okay, what happened?" I slowly open my eyes and realize rafes no where to be seen

"Im good, thanks." Jj and John b help me up. We all walk to the van while Jj helps me because rafe must have messed up one of my legs.

Once we're in the van everyone starts firing off questions. I dont answer any of them and just close my eyes. I feel myself being carried inside and wake up for a second.

"Whats happening, Jj why are you carrying me?" Jj looks down at me and slowly lays me in a bed. "You're going to bed, we're gonna talk in the morning." I drift to sleep 

I just don't know // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now