part 14: the hospital

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                                                                                                                            JJ's pov:

I look at Bea with tears in my eyes as she lays unconcious on the hospital bed. "I'm gonna head out." Pope says, Kie leaves with him and Sarah left once we got to the hospital.

It's just me and John b now and all I want to do is just hold her hand and tell her it will be okay but I dont want to raise suspiciouns between me and her brother.

"I'm going to the bathroom." John b walks out of the room and down the hall. Once I know hes gone I take his seat next to Bea. I slip my hand in hers and grip her hand tightly. "I love you Bea."

I feel her hand move and I look over at her and she slowly opens her eyes. "Hey Bea i'm here babe." She looks at me and blinks a couple times. God I do love her .

                                                                                                                      Bea's pov:

I slowly blink awake and look at JJ. I look around the room and see that John b isnt in there.

I look down at my hand and see that JJ is holding it. "What happened?" Is all I can manage with the little breath I have.

"You were shot Bea. How are you feeling?" I look down and see a bandage over my stomach.

I groan and lay my head back down. At the same time that I do that John b comes back in.

"Hey, I went to the cafeteria and they had no fruit s-" He stops talking when he sees that I'm awake and he runs over to us.

I close the hand that JJ was holding to find that hes not holding it anymore. "How do you feel, does it hurt."

I try my best to sit up and I do with JJ's help. I nod to him to thank him and try to make a sly joke.

"If one more person asks me how I feel I might just shoot myself." I laugh but wince because it hurts.

John b looks at me with dead serious eyes. He leans down to JJ and whispers something in his ear.

I try to listen to what their saying but I cant, John b must have told JJ to leave because he does exactly so.

John b walks over to the bed were I'm now sitting and sits next to me on the chair JJ was in.

"Look, I'm sorry I got so mad that you were talking to Rafe, I just dont like him for what he did to you."

I laugh at him and take in the apology. "It's ok, I mean I just dont see the reason in hating someone forever, you know?"

He nods in agreement and speaks again.

"Yeah, so I guess if you forgive him I forgive him, but please don't sleep with him. Ever. " I shrug off his suggestion and see JJ walk back in.

"Evesdropping where you, blondie?" I laugh at myself and John b stands to go over to JJ.

He pats him on the shoulder and leaves again, now its just me and JJ, again.

"You can come closer, I dont bite." He laughs at my comment and sits across from me on the bed.

He runs his hand through his hair and starts speaking. "I'm sorry for getting upset about what happened, I just dont understand why you have Rafe's number after what happened. "

I try my best to squash this conversation because I dont want to argue with him in a hospital right now.

"JJ listen, it's ok. and I dont actually have his number, he probably meant that I could just get it from Sarah, his sister." I emphasise the word sister and he looks at the floor.

"Right, ok. Well then I'm sorry for thinking that you would do something like that to me."

I smile brightly. "To you, you know I would actually never do that." JJ leans in to kiss me but the door opens and JJ jumps up and off the bed as John b walks in.

My brother looks between us confused but shakes it off while rubbing his eyes because it's almost three in the morning and none of us has slept, unless you count blacking out because you were shot.

"Hey the nurse said that we should probably go because it's not going to be comfortable for us to stay here on the singular couch."

He says pointing at the couch in the far coroner of the room."I'm not cuddiling wth you again, bro." JJ shakes his head and looks at me.

"Do you want me or John b to stay here with you, just in case." I look over at him and think,

'Maybe it would be nice if JJ stayed but then John b would ask questions,' so I go with a simple no. "If I flatline they might revive me, I'll be fine. Go sleep in a comfy bed."

Neither of the boys laugh at my joke and John b hugs me and walks out of the door.

Just before JJ walks out of the door I call for him, "JJ?" he turns around and looks at me with eyebrows raised.

"I love you too." JJ takes in a deep breath and runs to kiss me. he runs out of the room just as fast to catch up to John b.


I think about how much i love JJ for a while, while the nurses take my blood, while they bring me food, while they tell me what happend and the recovery process.

All of the nurses leave and its about 8 am, I look out the window at the newly rose sun and while I'm looking I hear my door open,

I assume its JJ or John b so I quickly look over at the door, only to see the two people I never want to see.

My step dad and my mom

I just don't know // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now