part 17: Official Date

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"Are you going swimming?" JJ says and I open my drawer pulling out a bathing suit top and jean shorts.

"Shower time first." I says as I waves the clothes in the air to avoid the question. I open the door to the bathroom and JJ walks in front of me.

"Right, can I join?" I look him up and down and laugh, "Funny Maybank, really funny." I walk into the bathroom and take a quick shower.

Once I get out I walk over to my mirror and look at my stomach. JJ walks up behind me and puts his hand over my scar.

"I think it makes you look tough babe." I turn around and kiss him. "Do you want to go swimming with me?"

"Yeah sure, lets ask everyone else too." We walk out into the living room and see that Kie and Sarah are already gone.

We look over at Pope and John b who are sitting on the couch drinking beer and watching tv.

"Hey you guys want to go surfing with us?" I look over at my brother, who speaks first. "No way, I'm too fazed from last night. Plus Ive got a date tonight."

"Whatever lame." I look over at pope who throws his hands up. "I've gotta go help my pops with the shop, and im late. bye guys."

"Ok its just me and you then." JJ says while throwing an arm over my shoulders. I shrug him off and my brother groans.

"Ew, please dont hook up. Youre too young, and I'll kill you." He says while pointing at me and then JJ. "Have fun, JJ I swear to god if you-"

"Relax dude I wouldnt even dream of hurting you like that. Lets go wax the board before we go bea I'll show you how."

I nod and John b gives me and JJ one last death glance before heading to his room.

We walk over to the garage and grab the boards, "I want this one." I grab the biggest board I see and JJ quickly takes it away.

"That is the way to die Bea, you get this." He says while handing me a smaller but still big enough for me board.

We wax up the boards and walk them down to the beach, we don't talk while we walk there but its a comfortable scilence so I keep it that way

We race to the water and I beat him there, of course, and then he tries to teach me some basic moves.

"So just hop on the board. Its that easy." I try to jump onto the board but fail and fall in the water.

JJ tells me to try again and this time he helps me onto the board by pushing my hips and putting me on the board.

"I did it." I say while I high five JJ whos laughing at me. "Whatever I still did it." I splash water at him and he splashes back.

We go through some more basic moves and then we surf for a little.

By surf I mean he surfed and I just kept falling off the board.

We pack our boards and we start to head back home when he stops me.

"I cant take this anymore Bea I'm sorry." I look back at him and cross over to him.

"What are you talking about." He looks at the ground and then back up at me and sighs. "Us. This." He motions between us.

"I mean when no one's around we act like a couple and we hook up, but." "I'ts not enough." I finish his sentence.

"I get it JJ I mean I didnt want to say anything but, I really like you dude."

JJ looks back at the ground and sighs while looking back up, "I love you Bea."

"I love you JJ, you know I do. and yeah we hook up but to me it means something, a lot actually."

"Now that thats over," He gets down on one knee like he's proposing and says, "Beatrice Routledge, will you be my girlfriend."

I bend down and whisper in his ear, "Yes, now will you get up babe. People are starring."

He stands up and kisses me while talking, "Oh there starring at you babe."


We hold hands all the way to the house and we don't let go until we reach the front door. JJ spins me before letting go.

He leans down and kisses me, "I love you" I kiss him back, "I love you too." The door opens mid kiss and Sarah gasps.

We break apart quickly and I apologize first. "Sorry Sarah. Please dont tell my brother." she shrugs and looks between me and JJ.

"I already knew you too were together so it doesnt really matter. also I wont tell him."
I thank her and walk into the house, JJ following me.

"Hey guys how was your day?" I look at Pope and shrug, "It was alright." I look over at JJ whos talking to John b.

He turns to look at me and winks. "I want the deets now." I sit down and try my best to whisper him the whole story.

I manage to tell him without John b hearing me. "That's actually crazy Bea, but ok." Pope gets out of his seat and walks over to JJ.

"I hear JJ yell and it makes me jump a little. "Party baby." I walk over to them and tell John b I'm doing it no matter what.

Whats the worst that could happen

I just don't know // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now