part ten: boat day

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                                                                                                                       Bea's pov:

I woke up with John b and JJ yelling at me and getting rolled off the bed,

"ow, fuck im in pain, assholes." JJ leans down to where I am and whispers, "sorry, but were going on the boat so get dressed." Then the boys leave so I can get dressed. 

I throw on a tight red bikini and some jean shorts over my bottoms, I dont bother covering up my top because its just the boat.

I walk out of the house and go to the dock where everyone is already on the boat, JJ looks over at me and he looks me up and down, checking me out.

I get in the boat and we drive off, I decide to sit next to JJ halfway through the drive and when I sit down his arm subtly wraps around my waist.

He leans down to whisper in my ear, "You look beautiful, cupcake" My breath hitches with his breath hits my neck and I decide to whisper back,

"Not to bad yourself, Maybank." I slowly look at him and see that hes already starring at me.

what I mouth to him while laughing about something nerdy pope said, JJ just starred at me and then got up and walked over to John b,

"So are we picking Sarah up?" John b laughs and steers the boat towards the camerons dock, he gets out and motions for pope to steer.

"Actually i'm staying with her have fun," He looks over at me and JJ. "Not to much fun."

Kie and Pope walk over to the wheel and Pope starts driving off, "So, how does a beach day sound." I basically melt when we get to the beach, jumping out instantly to feel the sand beneath my toes.

JJ walks up beside me and his arm snakes around my waist, "This, this is the life cupcake"

He looks over at Pope and Kie wh are facing the oppisite of us and he places a sweet kiss on my lips. "You, are the best part of my life."

Me and JJ walk down the beach far away from the boat to where no one can hear or see us.

We hear the boat engine start but as we walk back to get on the boats, Kie and Pope are looking back at us laughing and Kie is yelling, "We'll be back in the morning." Pope throws his hands up in surrender as Kie speaks.

great, me and JJ are stuck on the beach together and no one's around us, JJ lifts me up and brings me to the water,

"We're swimming now, baby." I feel the water hit me and as the waves hit me I jump into JJ's arms as the clodness stings my legs.

I settle down once the water becomes bareable and I back away from JJ enough to look into his eyes.

I lean in to kiss him and he does the same, we kiss in the water for a little bit before his hands start moving around my body, he stops kissing me to look down at me, "is this ok Bea?" I nod to him and he kisses me again.

His hands float from my waist up to my breasts and then back down again.

I moan into him and then I play with his hair in my hands. "That feels really good, Bea."

He says as his hands are still moving when they suddenly stop at my hips and then pul on my bathing bottoms a little. He looks up at me and down at where his hands are.

"Keep going." The words spill out of me because I want him so bad.


authors note: sorry i know this one is short but 11 coming really soon but this one was rushed

I just don't know // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now