Silver wings and heartstrings

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Trudy opens a fridge to get something to eat.

"This stuff's nasty." Trudy mutters as all the food has gone off due to not being refrigerated for a while, and she makes a mental note to go back and get fresh food from the base later.

Jake pauses, staring at the photos on the fridge.

There's many photos, at Grace's school.

There's a photo where Grace in her Avatar body stands at the top of the stairs, Neytiri and Slywanin standing together. Vitxyillì standing with Otayä and Tezä too.

'Grace knows I am talking to the Colonel. But I have what she needs, a way back into the clan, so she's playing nice.' Jake thinks to himself.

"Alright, Jake, hanger left." Grace says as she walks down to the link room.

Jake comes out of his thought and quickly wheels over, Norm and Louise following him.

"You'll be in the link at the end." Grace adds

Grace presses a button so the links work automatically.

"Unit one. Beulah. She's the least glitchy." Grace says as she walks down the hall with Jake wheeling after her.
Later, Jake, in his Avatar body, follows Neytiri around Hometree as she leads him to a high branch.

Jake looks around and looks down the branch, knowing that fall would kill him.

'I really hope she didn't bring me up here to be murdered.' Jake thinks to himself.

Neytiri laughs as she looks back and sees Jake's nervous expression.

"I didn't bring you all the way up here to murder you." Neytiri says playfully.

"What are you going to do then?" Jake asks with a nervous chuckle.

Neytiri doesn't answer Jake, instead she walks further away from him and yips, staring at the leaves intensely.

Jake looks around in confusion and ducks in surprise when an Ikran suddenly bursts through the leaves and Neytiri's eyes lights up as she looks at Seze.

Seze roars and tucks her wings in as she lands and Jake's eyes widen in shock and amazement, feeling a mix of awe and terror as he takes in the sight of the imposing creature and he laughs nervously.

"Holy shit!" Jake says in amazement.

"Seze." Neytiri murmurs softly, her voice filled with adoration as she reaches her hand out to Seze, who nuzzles up against it.

Neytiri smiles and she strokes Seze's head, earning a soft trill from the majestic Ikran and Neytiri looks back at Jake as Seze also notices him, seemingly less than amused by his presence.

Jake locks eyes with Seze, feeling as if she can sense his unease.

"Do not look in her eye." Neytiri warns, knowing Ikran see that as a challenge, especially when they're tamed.

Jake lowers his head, making a point of not looking in Seze's eyes.

Neytiri turns back to her Ikran and she offers some fruit to Seze.

"Seze." Neytiri says softly when she notices her spirit sister eying Jake.

Seze takes her eyes off Jake and snatches the offered food up, eating it eagerly.

"Okay, Seze, okay." Neytiri says in Na'vi, stroking her spirit sister and smiling.

"Ikran is not horse." Neytiri tells Jake in English, while still looking at Seze with a smile on her face.

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