Make a Mark

208 13 88

January 9th, 2024, 7:00 AM





A hand was slapping the table, trying to find that goddamn stop button on their alarm clock, finally finding it after a good 5 seconds.

"Mmm.." The blonde rose from their bed, staring at the blinds that were still closed.


New year, and it's back to school.


The blonde let's out a sharp sigh before managing to get out of bed, finally leaving to go downstairs.


"Hey, Vanilla..!" The blonde grinned as he began to pet their dog.

"Mornin' Ranboo!"

"Morning, Charlie!" Ranboo responds before going to the kitchen, "Where's Matthew? He's usually the one cooking."

"He ended up sleeping in the office." Charlie answers before plopping a slightly burnt pancake on Ranboo's plate, "Eat up."

"Uhm.." Ranboo mutters, "Why is it burnt?"

"Their all burnt, get over it." Charlie laughs as he puts another 2 on his own plate, "Where's your sister?"

"Don't know, her alarm should go off at 7." Ranboo shrugs, taking a bite before feeling a crunch in their mouth.

"How long did you cook these..?" Ranboo questioned as he felt the burnt piece going down their throat.

"I don't know." Charlie returns before taking a bite.

"Mhm.." Ranboo hummed before deciding that he didn't like the pancakes.

Ranboo goes back upstairs, going inside the bathroom.

They stare at themself in the mirror.

Messy ass hair, some random jigsaw shirt they've been wearing for days, the same stained sweatpants they had since they were 14, and the same pen marks they had on their hand.

"I'm gonna kill myself." Ranboo says to themself, laughing softly before splashing water on their face, finally seeing Tiffany enter the bathroom.

"Morning.." Tiffany grumbles.

"Mornin'." Ranboo shoots back, putting a toothbrush in their mouth.

"You're so weird." Tiffany scoffs, "Who brushes their teeth after eating?"

"The toothpaste makes the food taste weird!" Ranboo managed to say around the toothpaste foaming around their mouth.

"Yeah, but like-" Tiffany says, "It's just.. Odd.."

"Just shut your face." Ranboo rolls their eyes as Tiffany takes out the socks she decided to put in her hair for heatless curls.

"More like you're the weird one." Ranboo scoffed.

"What do you mean?!" Tiffany asks after splashing water on her face.

"You're the one who puts socks in their hair." Ranboo says as he spits out the toothpaste.

"Piss off!" Ranboo heard as he went into their room and into their closet.

A radiohead t-shirt, jeans, and..



AT 8:00...

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