Lyre and Snowchester

105 12 43

January 13, 2024, 9:39 AM

"Mornin' Ranboo!" Matthew greeted Ranboo as he put a pancake down on a plate, "Your competition is at L'manburg High School, right?"

"Yeah! Can you drop me off and drive me there?" Ranboo asks as Matthew sets a plate of bacon and eggs along with a glass of water in front of them.

"Yeah, don't sweat it." Matthew smiles as he also sits down.

"Where's Charlie?" Ranboo asks.

"Music studio." Matthew answered before shoving a piece of bacon in his mouth.

"Oh.." Ranboo returned, drinking their water.

1:55 PM

"Bye, Matthew! Pick me up at 5!" Ranboo says before slamming the door shut.

Ranboo walks into the school, taking note of how big it is (Don't make that's what she said jokes).

"Hey, Ranboo!" Easton yells from across the gym with his phone out.

"Easton!" Ranboo says with a smile, running towards him.

"That's the school we're up against." Easton says as he points to a rather big group of people.

"That's Lyre?!" Ranboo almost says under their breath.

Easton nods, "There's a lot of cute guys.."

"Who's the captain?" Ranboo asks as Easton goes back to his phone.

"Uh.." Easton mutters, searching up the school on instagram with the word 'volleyball'.

"Some guy named Tommy Minecraft. This is what he looks like." Easton pulls up a picture of Tommy before showing it to Ranboo.

"He's the guy in the middle. The other 2 are his friends." Easton states as he shows a picture of what looks like Ranboo's favorite restaurant with 3 people in a booth by a window.

The girl on the left had this gingery-blonde wavy hair, it was being kept clean with a black hat that read 'BIG GUY' in bold letters, and she wore what looked like a green tank top was under a green and white flannel.

The guy on the right had brown hair with blonde tips.

He wasn't paying much attention due to drinking what seemed to be a strawberry smoothie, but he wore a dark green hoodie.

He seemed..


The guy in the middle, who was the captain, had blonde curly-ish hair.

He had this pale skin that made his blue eyes stick out.

He also wore this blue sweater that read 'Sunday Club' on it.

He was..


Is what Ranboo would say if he was a liar!

And Ranboo is not a liar.

"Damnnn- Why he kinda.." Ranboo said jokingly, grinning at the picture before them despite the fact it was posted in September.

"RANBOO!" Easton accidentally screams.

"Sorry-" He apologized immideatly, only to turn to Ranboo again.

"He is NOT some hot guy today! He is our enemy! You can drool all you want over him AFTER we win!" Easton whispers to Ranboo with a laugh.

"No- but like.." Ranboo laughs, "Hear me out."

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