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JANUARY 21, 2024, 4:19 PM

Easton stares at the way he prepared everything in awe.

He did this all by himself.

He bought the pizza, the soda, and literally everything else.

All of a sudden, Devon walks out of his room.

"What the hell?" We're the only words he said as he stared before him, "What are you doing?"

"Having a party. What about you?" Easton answered with no emotion.

Devon just rolled his eyes before leaving.


Everyone sat in Alias' house since they decided to go there before the party to hang out.

"Where's Crushing?" Soph asked as they got out their phone.

"Their dad was being homophobic so they couldn't go." Sour scoffed.

"Just because they're out now doesn't mean you can call anyone who doesn't let them do what they want homophobic." Soft laughed.

"I do what I want!" Sour said with a small hair flip.

"WHAT'S UP?!" Ace screamed as they practically kicked the door open.

"ACE!" Everyone yelled in excitement.

"Hey, Ace!" Alias said excitedly.

"Late duo half." Ace bowed down in an attempt of a 'fancy' greeting.

"Hold on- wait-" Soph said as they called someone under the name 'Crushing 🤓☝️'

1 ring..

2 rin-

"H-" A hiccup, "Hey.."

"The hell? Are you ok?" Soph asks in an instant.

"I just cried t- to a dog movie-"

"Why would you watch sad dog movies? You know how you get." Alias pointed out as they jump onto their bed.

"I- I thought I could handle it because my dogs are with me-" A small sob escaped the other as they kept on crying, "WHY DID IT HAVE TO DIE?!"

"Crushing.. Uh.. Are you still coming to the party?" Soft questioned cautiously.

"P-probably-" Crushing answered.

"I thought your dad was being a stupid little hoe and not letting you go?" Ace returned as they hovered over Soph's phone.

"Hold on-" Crushing replied as what sounded like blowing their noise happened, "Yeah, but I have that tree outside my window."

"Oh yeah!"

"K- bye- I gotta get ready-"

"Wait- don't hang up ye-"

*hang up*

"I hope they know I know their home address."

6:02 PM

Everybody was practically dead at this party.

At least their brains were.

They were all dancing to loud music, Easton somehow managed to get his hands on his parents' beer, and Tommy and Ranboo was just flirting on the couch, just a bit tipsy.

As for full house, Alias was with Zero, having fun as Alias was just completely drunk, not for the first time, obviously, and Zero was just a bit tipsy.

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