Easton's car

112 11 85

JANUARY 15, 2024, 7:12 AM

Ranboo came down the stairs, fully dressed, but didn't do anything else for the last 30 minutes he's been awake.

"Mornin." Charlie says as he takes a sip of his coffee.

"Morning.." Ranboo mutters as he stares down at their phone.

"Hey!" Charlie yells as Ranboo finally looks up at him.

"Don't just look at your phone while you're talking to me." Charlie laughs as Ranboo rolls their eyes playfully.

"Yeah, yeah.." Ranboo mutters with a grin on their face, putting their phone down on the table.

"Matthew slept at the office today?" Ranboo asks as Charlie puts down what looks like last night's leftovers.

"Yeah. Don't annoy him, alright?" Charlie says with a pause, "You know how he is when he doesn't sleep on a mattress."

"Yikes.." Ranboo laughs.

"Hey!" A voice calls from behind the 2.

They look behind, revealing their little sister.

The curls at the end of her hair that looks like they've been brushed out, a light blue jacket with a TV girl shirt underneath with a pair of light wash flared jeans.

"Mornin."" Ranboo says as he puts the pasta in their mouth.

"Morning, Tiffany!" Charlie smiles as Tiffany takes a seat, taking her own portion.

Tiffany grins as she takes a bite, glancing at her phone every so often as Ranboo finishes.

After feeding Vanilla, he brushes their teeth and packs their bag, getting their violin as well.

"Oh-" Charlie says with his mouth still full, "Do I still have to drive you to that one college at 5 for rehearsal and concert?"

"Oh- no, Easton says he'll drive me, but you can pick me up?" Ranboo points out.

"I'll pick you up today." Charlie said as he put both Tiffany's and his plate in the sink.

"Thanks!" Ranboo grins as he looks at the time.


"I gotta go- see ya!" Ranboo says as he picks up their bag and water bottle.

"K, bye!"


"I'm so tired of volleyball.." Tommy mutters as his 2 friends watch as he sulk.

"Womp womp." His friend laughs as she takes a bite of her sandwich.

"Shut up, Molly!" Tommy groans as he takes one of her apple slices.

"Dude!" Molly shouts.

"You don't yell at Tubbo when he does it!" Tommy pointed out.

Molly scoffs, "Tubbo is different."

"I hate you!" Tommy says jokingly as Tubbo takes another apple slice.

"Shut up." Tubbo said with a laugh.

"I miss Smokey." Molly complained, "It's only been a couple of hours."

"Oh my god- I forgot to ask you, how did the competition go? I heard the other captain was fine as hell!" Tubbo asks as Molly expands on that.

"Yeah! Wasn't their name like.. Randall or something?"

"First of all, their name was Ranboo or something." Tommy pauses as he chews his apple slice, "Second. Holy shit was he FINE."

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