The better twin

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JANUARY 19, 2024, 8:32 AM

Ranboo sat down in their seat, dreading the sound of even hearing their teacher's voice.

The first period is science.

Oh my god.

Ranboo always hated science.

He never understood the hype about it, and he's not good at it in general.

In all of the science essays, he just yaps until it's finally the conclusion.

That's when the announcements came on.

"Good morning, polar bears! Unfortunately, today, we will have guard practice in the cafeteria instead of the gym due to volleyball practice. Today, volleyball is at 5 to 7 PM, and guard is at 4 to 7-"

The other words were Ranboo just tuning them out.

Guard practice at 4?

Ranboo knew they had a lights parade soon, somewhere on the 25th at 6 PM.

Something about Lyre also being there for instruments and because they had a shortage of people for guard and band.



Easton's brother..

He remembered something about Easton mentioning guard to..

What was his name?



Devon a couple of days ago when he went to his house.

The tension was so thick you could feel it even if you just heard it on a recording.

Ranboo never really met Devon, despite being friends with Easton for about a year now.

Honestly, it's a bit surprising to them that Easton even had a brother.

He always said he never really had parents because they were never around growing up.

But this?

This is just too much.


Ranboo sighed, finally hearing the coach's words.

"Go on break for the rest of practice, when its 7 start packing up!"

Ranboo was exhausted.

He didn't feel like being alive today because of the lack of energy he had.

But no, it was a friday, so Ranboo had to.

Besides, he was captain after all.

The wall separating the cafeteria was soon opened. (Do yall also have that, or is it just me?)

All 11 people in guard were on the cafeteria steps where the podium was, while a big white mat was on the ground.

"What the hell-" Ranboo muttered while Easton stared.

They never really did this type of thing.

Only on very rare occasions.

That's when he saw them.

Devon and..

Who is that?

the person was wearing their gym clothes, black shorts, grey t-shirt with the school slogan on the back of their shirt, and the white bar that only had the first initial of their name and their whole last name.


Oh my god.


In between the 2 was a pizza with 2 water bottles next to them.

One black hydro flask that was decorated with a stupid amount of Sanrio stickers.

The other water bottle was also a hydro flask with a bunch of stickers that Ranboo thinks is from different K-pop groups, those being red velvet, twice, and..

He doesn't recognize those other 2 groups.

That's when Devon and the other spots them.

Robin, being a decent human being, simply just waved since they heard a couple of things about Ranboo from full house.

Devon, however, just rolled his eyes when he saw Easton.

"Damn, bitch. What did you do to Devon?" Ranboo questioned as he turned to Easton.

"I didn't do anything!" Easton quickly defends himself.

"Are you sure?" Ranboo asked, raising a brow, "I don't think he would hate you if you didn't do anything."

"Look-" Easton sighed, "He thinks I do everything better than him."

"What?" Ranboo laughs.

"We're nocturnal twins." Easton admitted, "Well.. We're Irish twins.."

"The hell does that mean?" Ranboo questioned.

"It means you were born in the same year but not at the same time. I was born in August.. He was born in November." Easton answered softly, "I was always known as the better twin.. You know.. I was more popular, apparently more cuter, smarter.. Apperantly, Devon was always in my shadow."

"Well.. Why didn't he tell you about that?" Ranboo asks softly, tilting their head.

"I- look.. It's complicated.. All I know is that when I told my parents that I got first chair trumpet when we ate as a family together for once, he got angry and was silent the whole time."


As everyone sat in their seats, everyone started eating.

One of the first times they ate together as a family.

Yet it was so awkward.

"So.. I got selected as the pianist for the orchestra concert." Devon states as no one was paying attention.

With a mental sigh, he decided to just shut up and keep eating.

That's when Easton realizes something.

"I forgot to tell you guys, but I got first chair trumpet today!" Easton says proudly.

"Oh, congratulations!" Their mom returned.

"Good job, kid." Their dad responded.

Devon sat there, not even halfway done with his meal.


"Devon, aren't you gonna say anything about your brother?" Their mom questioned, a bit angry now.

His hands tightened, the utensil not moving a single inch as he got up, cleared his plate, put it in the sink, and went upstairs.


"What the hell was that?" Robin questioned once they saw Devon's eye roll.

"My twin." Devon answered with a sigh.

"That's your twin?" Robin questioned, "You guys don't even have the same last name!"

"I go by my middle name. That's why people get confused when my gym clothes say Garcia instead of Harriston." Devon simply returned as he took a slice.

"You go by your middle name?!" Robin almost yelled.

"Your real name is Robin and not Crushing?!" Devon said in the same tone with a laugh.

"Shut up, Blackpink stan!" Robin says as they pick up their water bottle.

"Don't you DARE bring Blackpink into this!" Devon shouted back as heads turned to him, making him blush in embarrassment.


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