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MARCH 1, 2024, 8:15 AM

Some people liked to go into their classrooms, some liked to just fuck around in the bathrooms, and finally..

Some liked to be in the main area of the school.

Devon arrives to school, being later than Easton.

Devon ignored everything that Easton had said to him yesterday and he's still ignoring him.


Devon smiles when he sees AJ waving him over where Venus and Rylee were.

"Hey! What's up?" Devon smiles as he stands next to AJ.

"Uh.. Why is.. why is some of full house staring at us like that?" Venus asked with confusion.

"Shit- I don't know." Rylee answered.

"They got beef with me now, I guess." AJ returned with a shrug.

"Surely you didn't do anything to piss off 4 of them." Rylee chuckled.


Devon tuned out the voices.

Devon doesn't know why that happens, it just does.

That's when he sees Robin talking to one of their friends then turned around.

They turned around and saw Devon and decided to wave at him.

Devon was about to wave when his arm was pulled down.

"Don't say 'hi' to them." AJ practically demanded as Devon turned to face him.

"Why not?" Devon questioned with confusion.

"Just don't. Remember how they acted yesterday? Like a kid?" AJ reminded the other with a small smirk on his face.

"They are a kid.." Devon remarked, "Please don't do this.."

"Yo, wait- what happened yesterday?" Venus asked as they tilted their head in confusion.

"We're dating now." AJ said with a grin.

"Wait- bu-" Devon was cut off.

"It all happened so fast! His brother is being a bitch about it, though." AJ groaned as he said the last part.

"AJ.." Devon sighed, "Pl-"

Again, he was cut off, "I'm telling the truth. You saw how mad he was when he saw us kiss."

An arm was wrapped around Devon's shoulder.

AJ's touch didn't feel..


It felt like a snake just slithering up his shoulder and pulling him close.

"Uhm.." Rylee muttered, "Are you guys.. Like.. Ok? You seem a bit.. uncomfortable?"

"Yeah! Of course we are!" AJ answers for Devon before Devon himself could even open his mouth to speak.

"Oh.. Uhm.." Rylee pauses, thinking of how she could switch the subject, "We have rehearsal today, right?"

"Yeah! After school until 7." Venus answered.

"When's opening night?" Devon questioned, having a small smile on his face.

"We're hoping-" Rylee was cut off.

"On the 14th. If not, it'll be on the 21st at 'BTOA'." AJ returned, practically choking Devon on how close he was holding him.

"Uh.. What's BTOA?" Devon asked as he tried to pull away at least a little, only to get pulled back in.

"Brighton theatre of arts.." Venus says as they stared at AJ, "What the fuck is your deal?"

"Hm?" AJ hummed in response.

"Why do you keep cutting everyone off?" Venus says rather loudly, but not too loud for people to hear.

"I'm not doing anything wrong, for fucks sake. Calm the fuck down, bitch." AJ scoffed.

"Ok, you wanna see 'bitch'?!" Venus takes a step closer, only to be stopped by Rylee.

"AJ.. Just stop." Devon practically demanded.

"I'm not doing anything wrong! Like, I'm sorry you feel that way, Venus." AJ shrugged.

That just seemed to piss Venus more off.


Rylee's grip seemed to tighten on Venus.

"GUYS!" Devon screamed, "Just stop. I can't get a detention because my parents will kill me. And I'm sure you guys don't want to spend your lunch in a fucking room where you just do your homework."

Suddenly, the bell rings.

"Alright, bye-" Devon was about to leave the other 3, only to be stopped by AJ.

"Let me take you to class!" AJ says with a smile.

"Uh.. No, thank you." Devon responded, "I can take myself.."

"No! Trust me, it's fine!" AJ returned, "Plus, Ms. Nihachu loves me."

"How do you know I have Ms. Nihachu for first period..? I literally never see you until english.. And that's third period.."

Rylee and Venus look at each other before deciding to step in.

"Look, AJ, Devon is 17 and has been going here for about 3 years now, I think he can take himself to class." Rylee pointed out.

"Cmon, just get to class. We have about 5 more minutes, and I don't want another tardy since I already have 2. And Rylee's class is all the way in the 200s." Venus says with a sigh.

"Alright, fine." AJ sighed, "Have it your way."

With that, AJ walked away.

And the 3 eventually leave to go their first class, wondering if any of that actually just happened.


"Guys- how do you solve this stupid quadratic equation?" Robin asked as they showed their math notes.

"Shit- I dunno, homie- I was barely paying attention in class today!" Soph says the moment they saw the question.

"You just don't know how to do it, do you?" Asmos returned with a laugh.

"Well- I know how to do tha- no. Not at all." Soph muttered with an eye roll.

"Guys- can you tell me why Devon's boyfriend- guy- thing- is being a stupid bitch to me?!" Lucifer asked as he ran up to the table.

"Why? What did he do?" Ace questioned with confusion.

"This hoe asks me 'Do you have the right Devon'? Like bitch he's the only Devon who's Mexican and has glasses- what the fuck is this? And he even goes 'Go back to the dumpster' Like go back to the fucking orphanage." Lucifer says all of that out of complete anger.

"And I have to work with him after schooollllll.." Sour groaned.

Ace grabbed Sour's arm, "We can do this together."

"I feel like a slave trying to figure this out." Robin stated as they tried to answer the question.

"That's not even-" Lucifer sighed, "I don't want to see that ugly ass bitch ever again. Venus already said that they don't want to go to rehearsal after school because of him!"

"Do yall notice how weird AJ acts, though?" Soft asks, "I swear there's something wrong with that kid."

"I was talking to Easton about it yesterday. He also thinks there's something off about him." Soph added.

"I feel like AJ is just odd in general." Ace shrugged.

"Right?" Sour laughed.

"I feel like it's the way he acts around Devon.. Is it just me or he's a bitch to everyone besides Devon, but he's still a bitch towards him, just like.. Less.. Less bitchier, if that makes sense." Asmos explains as they drink chocolate milk.

"He's like.." Soft's voice trailed off.

"He's very toxic."

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