
43 2 20

MARCH 17, 2024, 5:22 PM

Everyone was at Freddie's.

3 on one side, the other 3 on the other.

Devon was in the middle of Easton and Tubbo, just making jokes with each other.

Tommy was in the middle of Ranboo and Molly, laughing along with the jokes as they ate their food.

The jokes were specifically about AJ.

"No- because this bitch kept on acting like he was trying to be a fuckin' alpha male-" Devon says, choking on his laugshs he slid down the booth.

"I told you EVERYTHING!" Easton yelled, not loud enough for everyone to hear, though, "I KNEW IT!"

"You did tell me that AJ was a wannabe Andrew Tate.." Ranboo added, making more people laugh.

Everyone was laughing so much they weren't able to eat

It's been so long since Devon experienced this.

"Did that bitch actually think you weren't gonna break up with him?!" Tommy wheezed.

Molly bangs her fist on the table, trying not to hit someone else.

"Why would he think Devon was going to break up with him?" Tubbo returned as he finally stopped laughing, "He's clearly the skibidi sigma alpha rizzler!"

Maybe saying brainrot wasn't the funniest thing, but everyone else thought it was.

Soon enough, everyone finishes eating, and the laughing dies down.

30 minutes after everything.

"You guys wanna record in the car?" Molly asks, looking up from her phone."

"Why?" Tommy asked, being slightly intrigued about the idea.

"Sounds fun.. And I kinda wanna post it just in case AJ sees.." Molly returned with a grin.

And as soon ashe says the idea..


Everyone was excited by the idea of pissing AJ off, all of them cheering.

Soon enough, the waiter drops off the bill.

"Yo- can someone help me pay? I am NOT paying the 120 dollars for you fucking big backs." Easton asks, pulling his wallet out.

"I'll help pay." Molly returned, also taking out her wallet.

The 2 decided on a 20 dollar tip, Easton paying a bit more because Molly was the one who's driving.

"You guys wanna get out of here?" Tubbo asks, getting up from the booth.

"Yeah! Let's go!" Tommy says excitedly.

Tommy takes Ranboo's hand, basically dragging them out the door.

"I hate those hoes." Molly says with a laugh and a fake sigh.

"We all do." Tubbo stated, patting the other's shoulder.

"Let's go!" Devon yelled with a grin.

"Shut the fuck up!" Molly returned playfully as she walks out the door.

Everyone gets in the car, the same places as before, as Molly sets up her phone to record.

"Alright, where do we wanna go?!" Molly asks everyone else.

"WE SHOULD GO TO THE MALL AND FUCK AROUND!" Tubbo shouted, excitement filling his voice as he does so.


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