Rylee and AJ

84 7 50

FEBUARY 15, 2024, 6:58 PM

A long day after guard practice always ends in this.

Sighing, Devon rolls up his flag and shoves it in his flag bag, a black bag with small K-pop logos of bands that he liked.

"Hey! Robin! You wanna go out to eat?" Devon asked as Robin threw their bag over their shoulder.

"Yeah! Why not?" Robin answered, "Wait.. Can we invite someone?"

"Sure! Who?" Devon says with a smile.

"Hey! Lucifer!" Robin yells, seeing that the other was at the other end of the room as his head turns.

"You wanna go out and eat?" Robin asked with a smile, "Asmos might come!"

Lucifer stares, nodding slowly as he gets up.

"Alright- uh- I'll call Asmos. You guys go to Devon's car since I know Asmos dropped you off." Robin stated as they took out their phone.

Devon nodded, Lucifer following Devon to his car.

"Go ahead and put your bag in the trunk." Devon says softly.

Lucifer complied, careful not to damage the car in any way since he did have 2 flags and a riffle.

"Go ahead and sit in the front seat if you want, Robin likes the extra space." Devon says with a smile as he gets in the driver's seat.

Soon enough, Robin came out of the school.

"Asmos says that they can come." Robin said at once, putting their flag bag with the others.

"Did you say where?" Devon questioned as Robin slammed the door shut.

"Uh- I told them that we were gonna go to Nozu's." Robin answered.

"Alright you fucking asian." Devon returned.

"Alright you fucking tajin sniffer." Robin says with a laugh.

"Fair enough." Devon says, joining in on the laughing too as he started the car.

"Uh.." Lucifer muttered, "What is Nozu's..?"


The 2 shouted at once, not believing what they heard.

"No..?" Lucifer returned quietly.

"Nozu's is like- the best sushi place ever! Trust me, it's so good!" Robin answered with complete excitement.

"Of course you know that." Devon snickered.


Devon drove to the sushi place, seeing Asmos' car nearby.

"ASMOS!" Lucifer shouted excitedly as he got out.

"Hey!" Asmos said with a smile, "How you doin'?"

"I'm doing great!" Lucifer returned.

The 4 went inside, going up to the hostess who guided them to a table for 4 in the corner of the restaurant.

They were velvet red booths, a wooden table with menus on top of it, and, of course, they got a view of the parking lot as Asmos sat next to Lucifer and Devon sat next to Robin.

"Shit- Devon, did you bring your wallet?" Robin asked once they patted themselves down, "I forgot mine at home."

Devon's eyes widened, "No! Now that you say that I forgot my fuckin' card and money at home!"

"It's ok." Lucifer said suddenly, "I'll pay for you."

Asmos smiled, "Yeah- he's hella rich!"


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