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MARCH 22, 2024, 10:21 AM

The class was filled with talking due to the fact that the teacher hasn't come yet.

The bell had already rang, so people were just messing around.

"So, you going to that party after school?" Rylee asks as Tiffany looks up from her phone.

"A party?" Tiffany muttered to herself.

"Yeah! The one at Ava's." Rylee returned as Tiffany dropped her phone in her bag.

"Ava Florence or Ava Whitlock?" Tiffany questioned, "Because they're both having a party soon, and I got invited to both."

"Did you not bother to find out the dates and the times?" Rylee chuckled.

"Absolutely not. I dont like either of them." Tiffany answered, "Well, is it Ava Florence or Ava Whitlock?"

"Ava Whitlock." Rylee laughs.

"But yeah, I don't like them, too, but.." Rylee's voice trailed off, "I heard there's gonna be free food.."

Tiffany, who seemed interested already, decided to ask, "What type?"

"I heard there's gonna be pizza.. Probably some sushi from what I heard." Rylee shrugged.

"Well.." Tiffany muttered, "Are you going?"

"Oh! Yeah! I'm probably just gonna stay for the food, though."

"Then I'll go, too."


"Well.." Ranboo started, "Someone's been smiling at their phone a lot."

Easton sighed, "Shut up!"

"What?! Am I such a bad friend for wanting to know what's going on between you and Asher? Hm?"

"Ok- Fine!" Easton sighed.


"Asher kissed me yesterday."

Ranboo was taken aback to the point he almost fell to the ground.

"DAMN-" He shouted as they fell straight on their ass.

"ENDER! GET UP!" The PE teacher shouted, people snickering.

"Bitch." Ranboo muttered as Easton helped them up, "Holy shit- are you telling the truth, though?"

"YES! He kissed me in the parking lot when he walked me to my car!"

"He walked you to your car~?"

"SHUT UP!" Easton shouted, his face going red.

"If it makes you feel better- since Asher is a senior.. You get to go to prom a year early. if he asks you, of cour-"

Easton pushes Ranboo to the ground.

"Damn bitch- chill-" Ranboo laughs as they get up.

"Shut up about Asher.." Easton groans, the red fading away.

"Alright!" Ranboo returned, putting their hands up in defeat as they continued walking.

"ENDER! GARCIA! RUN!" The PE teacher shouted.

"Fatass." Easton returned as if the PE teacher could hear him.

The truth was, they were walking 2 laps.

The field is half a mile if you walk around it.

You were supposed to be running, explaining why people were already close to being done with their first lap.

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