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FEBUARY 16, 2024, 8:15 AM

Ranboo woke up to a stupid buzz on their bedside table.

"What the.."

Ranboo didn't set any alarms today, so he didn't know what the hell that was.

Ranboo picked up their phone, reading a blurry name calling them.

A......S ‼️🤓☝️

There was only one person with that emotion combo.


"Ugh.." Ranboo groaned before picking up their phone, "Hey.."

"You woke them up!" Someone yelled in the background.

"Womp womp." Someone called back.

"Hold on- he answered-"

"Hey, Ran!" Asmos says excitedly.

"Hey, Asmos.. Who's in the background..?" Ranboo questioned.

"Oh- Ace, Soft, Sour, Soph, and Crushing is still asleep. We all decided to have a sleepover at Soft's house." Asmos answered, "But that's not why I called."



"Then spit it out!" Ranboo groaned, wanting to cry because of the 3 hours of sleep.

"Damn- woke up on the wrong side of the bed?" Asmos laughed, "Anyway- were going to hang out at Easton's house at 12 AM tonight, you down?"

"12 AM..? That's hella early.." Ranboo pointed out, finally feeling more awake because he drank the water he kept on their bedside table.

Someone then steals Asmos' phone, Ranboo guesses that it was Soph.

"Yeah! We're thinking of going to abandoned places and just fucking around- It'll be SO fun!"

"Hey! Give me my phone back!"

"Awwww- You have a picture of Lucifier and you in your phone case?"

"Shut up! Just shut up!" Asmos says in an instant as everyone starts saying 'Ooooooo~'

"Alright, alright-"

"Can you go, though? Tommy, Molly, and Tubbo are going! Sour even said that they were gonna bring soda!" Asmos said excitedly.

"I don't know.. 12 AM is really early.." Ranboo muttered.

"Then sneak out? That's what Crushing is doing!" Asmos says with a laugh.

"But Crushing doesn't even know- they're not even awake yet!"

"Yeah- but I know they're gonna say yes."

"How do you know that?"



"12 AM, Easton's house, you down?"


"Alright, you down?" Asmos asked once again.

"Yeah.. Sure.. Just pick me up.." Ranboo answered.

"I can't- it's illegal." Asmos returned.

"So? You drink." Ranboo shot back.

"Good point. I'll steal my brother's car." Asmos answered, "Alright! Bye!"


FEBUARY 17, 12:02 AM

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