Easton's brother

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JANUARY 17, 2024, 3:52 PM

"No- What I'm saying is-" Ranboo was cut off by a laugh.

"Saying what?!" Easton shoots back as he starts laughing along.

The 2 were out for lunch, back from volleyball practice.

Thankfully, it was a minimum day, but volleyball kids had to stay until 3:15.

But that's ok.

They're at Ranboo's favorite restaurant, after all.

"No- He was so fine!" Ranboo says, "You know you would get on your knees! He was literally an emo!"

"Yeah, but golden retriever boys and emos are YOUR type!" Easton returned, "He was just on your for you page!"

"So what?! He can know I exist!" Ranboo laughs as he eats a fry.

"He can, but he doesn't, dumbass!" Easton laughs as he almost falls out his seat.


"Holy shit.." Tommy panted, "I'm so tired.." He muttered as Molly sat in the driver's seat while Tubbo sat in the back seat.

"You decided to run to the car AFTER practice! Of course you are!" Tubbo laughed at the blonde who was practically dying in the passenger's seat.

"Piss off!" Tommy managed to get out.

"Shut up. Do you guys wanna go to that one diner?" Molly asked the 2.

"What diner?" Tubbo questioned with curiousity.

"The one we went to in September." Molly answered.

"Hell yeah!" Tubbo said excitedly.

"YES!" Tommy shouted.

"Alright.. What was it called again?" Molly asks as she opens 'Google maps' up.

"I think it was called.. Freddie's or something?" Tommy guessed.

"Alright.." Molly muttered as she typed it on her phone.

"YOU ARE 10 MINUTES AWAY.." The GPS said out loud, "TURN LEFT."

The car ride was filled with faint new jeans as the trio proceeded to talk shit about people from their school.

"Oh my god- do you remember dumb shorts Cathy?"


"I bet she went dumpster diving for them."

Soon enough, they reached the restaurant.

It was more of a diner than a restaurant, but that didn't matter.

The diner was rather cozy, wooden walls, velvet red seats for booths, there was a smoothie bar, and there was even free soft serve ice cream if you bought something.

The tables were also a darker shade of wood, a small plastic placard that lay on the table that said 'FREDDIE'S' in big bold italic letters on it.

And don't even get them started on the smell.

It was a mix of savory and sweet, something that wasn't even describable because that's how good it smelt.

"Holy shit- I forgot how good this place smells.." Molly mumbles, loud enough for her friends to hear.

"Right?!" Tommy returns.

"Oh! Hey! I know that guy!" Tubbo says excitedly, pointing to some dirty blonde who was laughing with a ravenette.

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