Theatre kids

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JANUARY 28, 2024, 11:42 AM

"Matthew!" Charlie screamed as he rushed in the room.

The room was white, everything was plain, there was a window to the side of the bed and to the wall while there was a light on the roof of the bed, there was a table next to Matthew with a pot of flowers, and finally, Matthew himself on the hospital bed.

"Are you ok?!" Charlie asked anxiously, checking Matthew's temperature despite that not even being related to passing out.

"I-Im ok.." Matthe says softly with a chuckle, sweeping Charlie's hand off his forehead.

"Are you sure?! You passed out!" Charlie pointed out.

"Yeah.. Where's Ranboo..?" Matthew mumbles.

"I'm right here." Ranboo says as Matthew turns to his left.

"Hey, kid..!" Matthew chuckled weakly, "Why aren't you at school?"

"I didn't wanna go, so I called in sick, I'm glad I did now." Ranboo smiled, "How are you feeling?"

"My head hurts. It turns out when I passed out I hit my head on the desk.. The nurse said I should stop over working myself since I passed out due to exhaustion.." Matthew sighed.

"You should.. I'll pick up more shifts at the music studio, alright? You stop working for about a week or two." Charlie smiled at Matthew just nodded.

"Are you sure..? Surely it'll be ok if I work for at least 4 days a week-" Charlie interrupted Matthew before he could continue.

"No. You work enough, we have enough money. You've been doing this, Matthew."

"I keep on doing that because I can never focus on one thing at a time.."

"Maybe you need to get that checked out then."

Matthew sighed, turning to Ranboo, "Go back home.. I'll be fine here.."

"No. We're not leaving yet." Charlie practically demanded.

"You may not, but Ranboo has to. Someone has to be home. You can just get an Uber." Matthew explained.

Charlie sighs, throwing his car keys at Ranboo, who caught them with ease, "Go ahead and go home. Do you have your wallet?"

Ranboo searches their pockets before finding their wallet that he forgot he had in their jacket the entire time.

"Alright. I'll see you there. Love you, kid." Charlie says with a smile.

"Love ya..!" Matthew says with clear weakness.

"Bye, love you both." Ranboo smiled before leaving.

4:09 PM

AJ stood there, waiting for the others to come.

Ace, a stage manager (I didn't know what backstage crew was), was already there, working on whatever while AJ waited.

Roles had gotten out a while ago.

The show they were doing was 'The Addams Family'.

AJ had gotten the role of Gomez Addams.

Going over the lines, AJ read the lines he had highlighted in blue the day before when he read the cast list.


Someone jumps on him, making him almost tumble to the ground.

"Ivan..!" AJ gasped out, "I fucking hate you!"

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