Molly's car

53 3 35

6:08 PM

"The fuck you mean your sneaking out? You're the one who planned this!" Molly laughed.

"Yeah, but I didn't know my mom would be a total bitch about it." Devon sighed as he softly laughed, "But can you?"

"Can I what?"

"Drive a block down."

"Oh- yeah, definitely. I'll call you when im there." Molly returned with a small chuckle, "I'll be there in a bit. We just picked Ranboo up."

"Alright.. See ya then.."

Molly hangs up, Devon smiling.


Someone else other than AJ.

A small knock was heard on Devon's door.

"Devon..?" The voice called out.


"Devon, please.." Easton repeated.

Devon didn't want to answer, so he stayed silent.

"Devon? Are you asleep?"

Devon didn't answer once again.

"I'll take that as a yes.." Easton sighed, his footsteps fading away.

Was it wrong that Devon was mad at Easton?

He yelled at him, screaming that AJ wasn't the right choice.

Why is it always what he thinks?

Why not what Devon thinks?

Devon sighed under his breath, wishing that he could just be that stupid little 8 year old he was back then.

When he didn't have to worry about high fuciing standards.

The ring tone of Devon's phone suddenly filled the once quiet room.

"Hello?" Devon answered, seeing it was Molly who had called him.

"Hey, Devon! We're outside the house 2 houses down. Look for the white Toyota." Molly returned as Devon heard faint voice in the background.

"Alright, I'll be there in a few." Devon responded with a smile before hanging up.

Devon opened the window carefully since the thing was known to make noise.

He went onto the roof, closing the window but making sure it was still a bit open.

He soon got onto the fence beside his house since it was rather easy.

Devon climbed down the wired fence as he walked to where Molly said to go.

Devon was about to pass the car until..


Devon quickly walked back to the car, seeing Molly in the driver's seat, Tubbo in the passenger's seat, and Tommy in the back along with Ranboo.

"Hey!" Devon says with a smile as he gets in the back seat, Ranboo moving to the middle seat.

"Hey, Devs- Devon!" Tubbo says with a smile.

"Hi, Tubbo!" Devon returned back with the same smile Tubbo had given him.

"It's been so long since we last seen you!" Ranboo remarked.

"You're like batman! You're there one moment, and you're not there the next!" Tommy laughed.


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