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JANUARY 20, 2024, 2:54 PM

"I don't know-" Eastons paused as he was warking up, "Are we the best high school?"

"Pfft- obviously." Ranboo answered as he stretched their arm.

"How so?" Easton questioned.

"Lyre is for liars because that's how Lyre is pronounced, Limbo is for the ghetto, Kinoko is for the kids who are stuck in 2020, SMP is for the gifted meaning its filled with nerds and weird kids, and then that leaves us." Ranboo stated.

"That does make sense!" Easton said, amused.

"Right?" Ranboo says as he cracked their knuckles, "Holy shit, did you hear that?!"


"You guys are gonna be in the crowd the whole time, right?" Tommy questioned as he got his bag.

"Yeah, yeah." Molly answered.

"I'm probably gonna be asleep the entire time." Tubbo spoke truthfully.

"Man, you guys always do this! You hype me up then you guys don't even know what's going on!" Tommy groaned.

"Shut up, dickhead." Tubbo returned.

"Look, I know we always do that, but how about we go get lunch after. We can go to Freddie's or Canes." Molly responded as Tommy got his stuff.

"Go get 'em tiger!" Tubbo said excitedly.

"Shut up!" Tommy laughed as he shut the door to Molly car closed.

As Tommy entered SMP school, he took in how nice it was compared to Lyre.

Why the hell did it have 2 stories?

Is that an elevator?!

Even a student store where you can buy food?!

What the hell?

How much funding did this school get?!

Tommy entered the gym, seeing his team warming up and Snowchester warming up.

That's until Tommy spotted Ranboo.

Tommy shot Ranboo a quick wave to where Ranboo smiled and waved back.

Easton, who's known for being competitive, slapped Ranboo's hand down and quickly flipped Tommy off.

Tommy just laughed as Easton and Ranboo keep on talking.


"Dude! Do NOT say hi to him! That is OUR competition!" Easton stated as Ranboo gasped.

"So what?! Who says we have to avoid him at all costs?" Ranboo asks.

"Look- we don't like Lyre right now. You even said it yourself, Lyre is for liars!" Easton argued as Ranboo didn't seem to listen.

"That was a joke!" Ranboo defended, "Not everyone in Lyre is a liar!"

"Oh my god.." Easton sighed.

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