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MARCH 17, 2024, 2:00 AM

Ranboo lays in bed as he stares at the ceiling, their fan slowly spinning.

Was this all a mistake?

What if Matthew or Charlie finds out?

The cigarettes and weed continue to sit in his drawer, the bag and box having only about a fourth left of it.

Ranboo was supposed to not do drugs.

They were supposed to get through high school and be able to do whatever he wanted.

But now..?

About 4 absences due to skipping class to do drugs with friends (car seat headrest reference), 2 days of detention for talking back to a teacher, 1 missing assignment that he genuinely doesn't want to do, and slowly losing their skills in orchestra because he doesn't want to practice.

Matthew is already going through a tough time right now.

Charlie has been picking up more shifts.

Tiffany is always doing her own thing.

It doesn't even feel like their a family anymore.

A soft sigh was heard from Ranboo, rolling over and picking up their phone.

Tommy ❤️

Ranboo smiled and called Tommy.



"Hey, love."

Tommy's voice filled Ranboo's ears as they cracked a smile.

"Hey, Toms.." Ranboo returned with a small chuckle, "Why'd you wanna call?"

"There's this abandoned place down at Victorian.. You wanna go?"

"Eh.." Ranboo muttered, "Maybe.."

"What do you mean 'maybe'?" Tommy laughs, "It's a yes or no question."

"Well.. We always do.." Ranboo stuttered as he tried to find the right words, "Drugs.. And I feel like it's wrong.."

Tommy's voice seemed to soften after hearing that, "If you want I'll quit?"

"You'd do that for me?" Ranboo asked.

"Of course I would."

"Can we meet on Saturday? We can go at 3 AM, have the abandoned place to ourselves, eat some trashy food, and just smoke some cigarettes for the last time?"

To my chuckled as he heard Ranboo's suggestion.

"That sounds nice. You wanna stay on call together?"

"Of course I do."

12:19 PM

Devon walks down the stairs, being greeted by noting on the table.

His mom was working today.

His dad was also working.

Not like that's surprising.

That woke Easton up to eat with them but they didn't wake Devon up.


It's whatever, Devon was crying until 1 AM last night until he finally fell asleep.

Maybe breaking up with AJ was a bad idea.

Devon wanted AJ back.

But not when he was to..

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