A Ride Home

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JANUARY 18, 2024, 3:16 PM

Ranboo heard the bell ring, running out of class as fast as possible.


Ranboo picked up their violin, grabbing their skateboard after.

Saying a quick 'bye' to Aimsey and Guqqie, he left school grounds as he listened to music through their headphones.

Probably something from Slipknot, maybe ghost, he doesn't know, but it was playing that, so he just let it go.

Feeling the concrete vibrate under their skateboard, losing balance from time to time but still managing to stay on, he got closer to their house.

Until he went too fast.

He couldn't slow down, and soon enough..


Their skateboard went flying under their feet and ran into a tree.

Ranboo, who fell back first and questioning life, tried to get up.

Big emphasis on tried.

Ranboo was limping.

He could barely get up and managed to get their skateboard.

"Fuck.." He muttered, wincing at the aching of the pain in their leg.


Ranboo turned to look everywhere, spotting a black car that had stopped on the side of the road.

The guy he had met yesterday was driving that car.

In other words, Tommy.

"Tommy..?" Ranboo managed to make out.

"You ok? I just saw you fall.." Tommy pointed out as the only thing supporting Ranboo from falling was the tree their skateboard hit.

"Yeah- Just.. Everyone has their bad day, alright?" Ranboo simply answered.

"Do you.. Do you want a ride home?" Tommy asks, putting a hand on Ranboo's shoulder.

Ranboo, who's love language is physical touch, immideatly starts blushing under their mask.

"I- uh- Y-yeah.." They managed to get out while rubbing the back of their neck.

"Do you want me to carry your skateboard?" Tommy offered, to which Ranboo immideatly accepted.

"Thanks.." They muttered as Tommy leads them to his car.

"Where do you live?" Tommy asked as Ranboo gets in the passenger's seat.


"Where do you live?" Tommy repeats.

"You know.. So I can take you there..?"

"Oh! Uhm- 1234 Snowchester Avenue.."

"Thanks.." Tommy muttered as he put the address in his phone.

"Thank you, by the way." Ranboo says out of nowhere as Tommy started the car.

"Easton would usually drive me home.. But.. He faked being sick since he wanted to go home.." Ranboo chuckled.

"How so?" Tommy laughed softly as he began driving.

"He remembered that he had a math test today, and he didn't wanna take it.. So he gave up some dignity and decided he was gonna make himself throw up in the bathroom since the bathrooms are always filled and go up to the nurse's office." Ranboo answered with a laugh.

"Really?" Tommy laughed, "Guess they weren't lying when they said Easton would do anything to get out of things he doesn't wanna do."

Ranboo's chuckled faded hearing that, "What do you mean 'they'?"

"People at my school. You know they talk shit about everyone at your school, right?" Tommy answered, "They even say that you once vandalized the school because the principal said that gay people don't deserve rights."

"Well-" Ranboo laughed, "That was another group of people, I just funded them."

Ranboo thought of the group of 7.

The 7 people who scribbled the words 'QUEER AND HERE' and a bunch of pride flags at the back of the school at 2 AM.

"Wait- so you actually know them?" Tommy asked with a soft laugh.

"Yeah! I actually know them!" Ranboo answered.

"Wait- who?!" Tommy asked excitedly.

"Well- they go by full house." Ranboo returned.

"Full house?! THE full house vandalized the school?!" Tommy yelled with shock.

"Yeah- I'm not joking when they ran up to me and started begging for spray paint." Ranboo simply replied.

"You know- there's a rumor going around about them." Tommy paused, "Is it true they all met at a waffle house?"

"Pfft- what?!" Ranboo laughed, "No- but it wouldn't be surprising if they did. They LOVE that place!"

"Wait- then how did they meet?!" Tommy questioned.

"People say they met at a Costco, some say at the back of a Spencer's, some say at the music day where 2 schools join together for a day and just play music and socialize. Nobody knows the actual story." Ranboo returned.

"Are you serious?!" Tommy shot back.

"I'm serious! Whenever someone asks, they say it's 'too sacred'!"

Tommy laughed, soon fading away, "This is your stop."

"Oh." Ranboo frowned, "Call me?"

"Yeah!" Tommy said excitedly.

"Alright! See ya!" Ranboo says as he turns to go inside their house.

"Goddamn.." Tommy muttered under his breath as he saw Ranboo walk away.

Maybe at the volleyball competition.

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