One Kiss

42 1 40

MARCH 20, 2024, 7:56 AM

"Hey, full house!" Devon shouted, the others waving back.

"Hey, Devon!" The others shouted back.

All of a sudden, Devon was pulled out of full house's sight and getting dragged into and inside the art room.

All of a sudden, he was pinned against the whiteboard.

"What the fuck was on your snap story?!"

There it was.

Devon had forgotten to post the things on his story, so he did it last night.

"Get the fuck off me, AJ." Devon says in an instant.

"Why were you out with them?!" AJ yelled, his grip getting tighter.

"What do you mean? Why was I out with my friends on a weekend?" Devon laughs he stares at AJ.

"You know what I fuckin' mea-"

"He said get off of him."

A very tall with medium length blonde hair, pale skin, a black tank top with a white sweater that had a net pattern to it, baggy jeans, black converse with small drawings and writings to it, and finally, a silver locket.

The girl seemed to tower over both AJ and Devon to the point that it was almost scary.

"Who the fuck are you?" AJ asks with anger in his voice.

"The real question is why are you fucking around with him?" The blonde asks as she pushes AJ back.

"Hey- uh.." Devon says in an attempt to lighten up the mood, "We don't have to fight here."

The 2 turn to stare at Devon.

"How about we all introduce ourselves, yeah?" Devon says with an awkward laugh, "I'm Devon.. Devon Garcia.."

Devon puts his hand out for the blonde to shake as the blonde glares at him.

"Athena Hernandez." Athena returned as she shook Devon's hand.

"What about this loser?" Athena asks, gesturing to AJ.

"I'll have you know who's a fuckin' los-"

That's when the door opens.

3 people, one brunette, one blonde, and one pinkette.

"I know, right? I was lik-"

"Nah.. Why is there people here already?"

"Bro, who the fuck is in OUR spot?"

The 3 people was none other than Aimsey, Ranboo, and Guqqie.

"Wait- Athena?" Ranboo says once he sees her, "Why aren't you with Elliot?"

"Elliot isn't here yet and this loser is being a bitch to this guy."

"AJ, get the fuck out." Aimsey says the moment he saw AJ.

Luckily for them, Ranboo has been filling them in on AJ and all the drama that had happened.

"Who the fuck are you?" AJ says as he jabs a finger in Aimsey's chest, "You're as tall as a fuckin' 5th grader."

A sharp shove towards AJ, making him fall on his ass.

"Touch him one more time, and you won't have 2 hands." Guqqie says, taking a step so she could be next to Aimsey.


Athena's head shot up, looking at the door.


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