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MARCH 8, 2024, 5:06 PM

Everyone was packing up after a long volleyball game.

The game was at Lyre, Lyre being against Snowchester.

Lyre ended up winning at the end.

"You wanna hang out tomorrow?" Ranboo asked Easton.

"Yeah- Devon still won't talk to me." Easton sighed, "Mine or at your house?"

"Yours- I wanna see Maxie!" Ranboo says with a smile.

"Alright-" Easton says with a grin, "I'll be going now. Later!"

"Bye!" Ranboo says as Easton left.


Ranboo turns around, seeing Tommy.

"Oh- hey Toms!" Ranboo returned.

"Good job. Although, clearly, we did better." Tommy said with that stupid grin of his.

Ranboo rolled their eyes playfully, "Shut up."

Tommy chuckled as Ranboo messed up his hair.

"You wanna go to my place?" Tommy questioned.

Ranboo nodded as he picked up their bag.

The 2 leaves the school and into the parking lot.

"Where's your car?" Tommy asked.

"I walked here, dumbass." Ranboo laughed.

"That's stupid." Tommy responded, "Cmon, my car is over here."

Tommy led Ranboo to a white SUV, big enough to fit about 6 people.

"Damn- this is nice!" Ranboo says as he gets into the front seat.

"It's my dad's. He's out of town with my older brother, so I get to take his car."

"Are we waiting for Tubbo and Molly?"


Tommy paused, but he did continue after a couple of seconds, "And maybe Devon if we're lucky."

"Can I.. Can I say something?" Ranboo asked hesitantly.

"Yeah, go ahead." Tommy returned with a soft smile practically plastered on his face.

"Am I tripping or even since he started dating AJ he's been.. Off..?" Ranboo brought up, "Like- I'm not saying AJ is weird- it's just like.. Devon has been acting different ever since."

"No, it's not just you." Tommy answered, "I've been checking up on Devon recently through messages, and he keeps on having the same excuses- all of them having to do with AJ!"

"Ok. I'm just gonna say it now. AJ is fucking weird." Ranboo says with a laugh.

"Didn't you just say he wasn't?" Tommy remarked, joining in with the laughs too.

"Yes- but no-"

The door opened.

The door opened, revealing Tubbo and Molly.

"Hey! How'd it go?" Tommy asked once he saw Devon wasn't with the 2.

"Terribly! The bitch was being so bitchy! Like-" Molly was cut off by Tubbo.

"Molly.. J-just give him some space.."

"No! AJ just pulls up to the fucking volleyball game AFTER its done?! Who the hell does that?!" Molly practically shouts.

"He was just picking up Devon.." Tubbo sighed.

"NO THE FUCK HE WASNT!" Molly finally yelled, "That bitch fucking shoved me to the ground after I asked Devon if he wanted to hang out with us! This bitch isn't even proving anything besides he's a fucking pussy!"

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