Cigarettes for 2

67 3 31

FEBUARY 25, 2024, 10:02 PM

Ranboo laid in bed.

Their day was boring today, it was just a normal Sunday morning.

Ranboo doesn't know exactly what happened last night.

The fight that was about to start with Easton and Tubbo?

Them and Tommy getting hella close and acting like they were just homies?

Robin said that there was so much shit happening last night?

Ranboo doesn't exactly know how to feel.

It was supposed to be a good time yesterday.

But apparently, Devon got pushed to the floor, Easton almost fist-fought Tubbo, a video of a stack of cups that Robin had posted with AJ pouring coke in it and managed to make it overflow, Rylee and Tiffany were getting VERY close, Asmos and Lucifer got caught making out, and Soft left their cigarettes in there.

All of a sudden..


Ranboo's phone lit up, a single notification showing up.

TOMS‼️ 🔥🔥🔥
You up?

Ranboo chuckled at the message, opening Tommy's contact.

TOMS ‼️🔥🔥🔥

Yeah 😘


Nothing tbh

Wanna hang out?

Too late

Who cares?


Sneak out ;)
I'll pick you up

U sure?


When u picking me up?

Around 30 minutes
I'll text u

Say less


Ranboo got up in an instant, going inside their closet to get ready.

Ranboo settled on a pair of jeans, a white tank top, a leather jacket, and some random hat he stole from Charlie a week ago.

Ranboo looks at themself in the mirror, soon going on their phone.

As Ranboo waits, Tommy finally gives them a message.

TOMS ‼️🔥🔥
I'm here

Ranboo grins before opening the window, going down the tree and meeting Tommy by their house.

"Hey." Tommy says with a smile, the window opened already.

"Hi." Ranboo says nervously.

"Never snuck out before?" Tommy chuckles as Ranboo gets in the passenger's seat.

"What-" Ranboo trips over words, "I have snuck out before! I just- I-"

"Calm down, I'm joking." Tommy laughed softly, "Where do you wanna go?"

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