The last Cigarettes

41 2 34

March 23, 2024, 2:03 AM

"Alright, bye. Love you."

"Love you too, Ran."

Ranboo sighs as he puts on some random Garfield shirt that had been lying down on the floor of their closet.

It was good enough, it's not like Tommy would care.

Ranboo then picks up a grey jacket, seeing that it's an XL.

It's 2 sizes too big.

Ranboo laughs as he puts it on, the jacket being baggy but not too baggy.

Just what he wanted.

Then he picks up baggy jeans with stars on them.

It's been a while since they wore these..

Ranboo puts them on, smiling at themself in the mirror.

"What's up, you useless fuck?"

Ranboo laughs as he shakes their head.

Then he happens to look at the black eye pencil that was sitting on their desk.

Ranboo grins as he picks it up and starts using it on their waterline.

He smiles as he looks in the mirror.

What else did they need..?



The cigarettes!

Ranboo walks over to their drawer and sees the box of cigarettes.

Ranboo smiles, knowing that Tommy was willing to give it up for them.

Ranboo shoves it in their pocket, pulling their phone out their pocket.

Toms ❤️ calling..

Ranboo picks the call up, "Hey!"

"Hey! Uh.. I know it's only 2:30.. But can I pick you up now? The place is about 45 minutes away.."

Ranboo thinks about it, knowing that no one is awake.

"Uh.. Yeah! Yeah, why not?" Ranboo returned as he paced around their room.

"Alright.. You wanna stay on call?" Tommy asks sweetly.

You could practically hear his smile.

"Yeah!" Ranboo says with a smile.

"Alright.." Tommy responded as the car started in the background.

"You didn't even climb out your window or some shit?" Ranboo chuckled.

"Nah, my parents are out of town, and my brother basically hibernate when he's asleep."

Ranboo did remember he had a brother!

He just forgot..

"Oh- shit- yeah! His name was like.. Techno or something, right? He's the guy in charge of fireworks every 4th of July, right?"

"Yeah! I don't know why, but he really fuckin' likes fireworks." Tommy says as he drove off.

"Isn't he like the.. The guy with pink hair and the old money style? He's popular for that, right?" Ranboo asks with curiousity as he shoves the plastic bag of weed in his pocket.

"Yeah! That's him. He always hangs out with Dream." Tommy answered, more concentrated on talking to Ranboo than the road.

"Dream as in the quarterback?"

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