Chapter Four - When everything goes wrong

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Juvia's phone rang. Juvia took it from her sling bag. Speak of the devil. Its a text message from Lyon sama (♥w♥).

From : Lyon-sama

Honey, how is it going with your dad's friend and his son? Call me later if you have finished with everything, I love you more than anything else in this world.

Forward Delete

Oh~ Lyon-sama~ He really care about Juvia. Juvia feels so lucky to have Lyon-sama as her boyfriend ♥♥♥

Juvia wont stop smiling and giggling when she saw it. She cheerfully replied back Lyon's text message.

To : Lyon-sama

Surely Juvia will call Lyon-sama after Juvia finishes all this. Juvia loves Lyon-sama too xoxo

Send Delete

All that giggling got interupted. Juvia snapped back to reality when she realised that Gray was staring her.

Oh yeah Juvia forgot that Juvia's in Gray-san room.. He's looking at Juvia, maybe he needs something.

"Do you need anything Gray-san?" Juvia asked nicely.

"Yes, I need you to get out." Gray scoffed.


"Are you deaf now? OUT!" Gray exclaimed.

Juvia then slowly get out from Gray's room. Juvia turned back to Gray. She could she that Gray felt annoyed because of her.

"But dad said that Juvia sho--"

Gray slammed the door before Juvia could finish. Leaving Juvia stand outside his door.

Whats his problem? You dont need to yell at Juvia! Ugh.. Juvia hates this guy already! There is no way dad will match make Juvia with this meanie!

Juvia then stomped her way to her room, she closed the door. She quickly change to her normal clothes and jumped to her bed, she then looked at the blue ceilings.

How rude of him, Juvia was just being friendly.. Gray-san keeps on ordering Juvia around! What a day.. Juvia thought.

She then looked at her phone and smiled. At least Juvia didnt have to deal with Gray-san again. Juvia thought happily.

Now Juvia should call Lyon-sama. She then pressed Lyon's no.

Just about she wanted call Lyon. Her phone rang. A call from Lucy. Juvia then answered the phone call.

"Hi babe, hows your fiance?" was the first thing Lucy said to her. "Is he handsome? Hot? Ne, ne Juvia. I bet you guys know quite a bit about each other already! How romantic~"

Juvia wanted to forget about Gray-san, now Lucy mention him again. She sighed.

"He's not Juvia's fiance! Juvia is so stressed out right now because of him! This is first time Juvia has seen such a rude guy!" Juvia protested.

"What do you mean Juvia?"

"Juvia doesnt know! Our first meeting was like ughhh.. He's acting rude and wont stop cursing Juvia huhu.." She said sadly to Lucy.

"What did he do to you?"

"He said that Juvia was blind at the airport and just now he called Juvia deaf.." Juvia still feeling guilty and angry at the same time.

"Is that so? Tsundere type of guy? How romantic! Just bear with that Juvia~" She squealed. "Im gonna be your bridemaids soon~"

"Lucy! Mwohh.. Stop that! Whose side your on?" Juvia pouted. "By the way, why did you call Juvia?"

"Oh yeah! I nearly forgot about that! Juvia there's something you need to know."

"What is it?" Juvia asked.

"I already told the girls you picked up your dad's friend and his son."

"Then? Whats wrong with that?"

There was a moment of silent for few seconds. Juvia thought Lucy hang up the call until..

"I accidently said his son is your fiance.. and Lyon was there at that time."

Juvia widely open her eyes. She could feel her heart stopped beating when Lucy told her everything. Another problems keep on coming to her.

"NOOOO Lucy! Why did you do that?!" Juvia started to stand away from her bed and walked around her room, biting her fingers nails nervously.

"I was joking around and didnt see Lyon was there. I was about to explain to him but he walked away from me. Forgive me Juvia." Lucy apologized to her.

"Oh no! Thats why he wanted Juvia to call him, he said it in the message earlier.. Juvia needs to call Lyon-sama now! Bye Lucy!" She ended up the call and quickly dialed Lyon's no.

Come on Lyon-sama picked it up! As soon as the line connected, Juvia began to shout out.

"Lyon-sama!Juviawouldnevercheatonyou! Lyon-samawhatLucysaidisnottrue!" She said as fast as she can.

"Slow down Juvia, youre too fast, I cant catch everything you just said." Lyon stated.

Juvia then took a deep breathe and calm herself a bit. "Lyon-sama. Juvia would never cheat on you. What Lucy said is not true. Please believe Juvia.."

Tears started to fill Juvia's eyes when Lyon didnt say anything to her.

"Juvia I..." Lyon sighed.

To be continued.. ♥

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