Chapter Fifteen - Left Behind

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It's the end of the school period! Finally Juvia can go home and relax! Juvia was walking to the school gate with Lucy and the others.

Lyon-sama said he had to go somewhere before leaving Juvia while ago. Not long after reaching the gate, blue car arrived which indicated that dad's here.

"Juvia! Your dad's here. Bye-bye Juvia" Lucy said.

"See you tomorrow Lucy" Juvia replied. Juvia quickly approached her dad's car and went inside.

"Huh?" Where? --- NO WAY!" Juvia blinked and shouted loudly. 

 "Why is Gray-san using dad's car? Juvia was surprised when she saw Gray was there and not her dad.

"Uncle Rave asked me to pick you up"

"Dad asked Gray-san--"

"Stop calling me with san, it annoyed me." Gray cut Juvia off. "Now we're going home" He drove the car while Juvia was cursing Gray-san in her mind.

Hmph moron! Juvia hates him! He thinks he look cool wearing those black glasses. 

Juvia went silenced for a while then she remembered that Gray-san was the one who put her at her bed after went from the crazy shopping. 

"Why didn't Gray-san wake Juvia up yesterday after we went back from shopping ? Juvia could have walked to her room herself"

Yeah, Juvia would rather not be touched by this evil devil who just ruined Juvia's daily life.

"You should be grateful that I didn't left you inside the car."

 "Yes, Juvia knows, but Gray-san can just wake Juvia up. Juvia is not a heavy-sleeper." Juvia still didn't accept Gray-san's answer.

Gray smirked at Juvia. "Yeah right, I called you more than hundred time but you didn't wake up."

"But to be honest I don't want to wake you up, you want to know why?" Gray-san said in serious tone and looked Juvia in the eye.

Stop staring at Juvia! Why is Juvia's blushing? Stop blushing Juvia! Juvia didn't like this.

Maybe Gray-san had already accept the fact that he'll marry to Juvia. What is Juvia thinking? Stop thinking nonsense Juvia!

"Wh...yy Gray-san?" Juvia stuttered and afraid to look back at him. 

"Because you need more energy.. As maid you need to conserve your energy. Don't you think so? Since you always complain with your big mouth. I think I have a reason not to wake you up" Gray grinned.

What in the world just happened? This person just think Juvia as a personal maid. Have a big mouth? Juvia's doesn't have big mouth!

Gray applied the brakes and Juvia was thrown forward a little bit. Luckily Juvia wore the seat-belt.

"Oww! What was that? Can't Gray-san drive more carefully?" Juvia spoke in annoyed.

"Well, that's how I drive and now can you please get out" It sounded more like instruction rather than a question. Juvia still didn't move an inch by Gray-san words.

"I'm asking you nicely please get out" 

"Where are we? We haven't arrive home yet. Why Juvia have to get out? We're going home right?" Juvia said while looked confused. 

"You asked too many questions. Yes, you're going home" Gray sighed. Juvia could see Gray-san is not interested to talk much to Juvia.

"I'm in hurry now, I've so much to do. You can just walk from here. It's not far from here."

This guy must be crazy! It's 3 kilometers away from Juvia's house.

"But this is far away from home." Juvia replied.

"Look I'm done talking a spoil brat like you. Do you want me to act like a prince and open the door for you? You can took a bus if you don't want to walk on foot"

How dare this guy said mean things to Juvia! How can he does this to a woman! Juvia just can't imagine if this person become her husband. Juvia would rather die in hell.

"It's only take 15 minutes to arrive at your home on foot. Don't be such a baby. Now get out, you're wasting my time" Gray said impatiently.

"Okay okay, you don't have to yell at Juvia" Juvia removed the seat-belt and got out of the car.

"Good luck on your way finding home brat" Gray laughed at Juvia, then drove away with the car, leaving Juvia behind standing beside the road.

Hello minna-san XD 

I'm back. Sorry for keeping you guys long enough to read this story. I appreciate for your support and thank you for reading this Gruvia fanfic.

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