Chapter Thirty Two - 3 Days With You (Part 1)

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Juvia looked at herself in the mirror after showering and at the basket. "Fine.. Just this once!" She put on Gray's clothes. Something fell down to the floor.

"A bandage? Is this for Juvia? Gray-san must had put it in" She looked at her sprained ankle. "Juvia doesn't need this, Moreover its from Gray-san again" She said after putting inside the coat's pocket.

As Juvia put on Gray's clothes, someone knocked the door which startled her and covered herself, afraid that she'd forgotten to lock the door.

*knock* *knock* *knock*


That's Gray-san voice. What is it he wants from Juvia now?

"If you've finished, don't go around too much. If you need something, call me"

Juvia frowned a bit after finished wearing his clothes. Ordering Juvia what do? Like Juvia will care. 

Looking herself in the mirror. Juvia looks like a cosplayer wearing these clothes. She went to Gray's room. Gray laid down on his bed, closing his eyes. 

Gray-san sleeps already, that was fast. Now its a good time to go down.  Tiptoeing  with her sprained ankle. It hurts a lot! She arrived in her kitchen. 

Why does the glasses have to be so high? She sighed and took a chair to grabbed the glass.

Gray's POV

"I can't believe I had a hard time to sleep last night, my head hurts," Gray was on the bed. "Where is she? What took her so long?" He was ready to get some sleep until he heard sound of broken glasses.

"The heck? Juvia?"

He went down as fast a lighting, found Juvia in kitchen. Pieces of glasses were everywhere but she wasn't hurt. 

This girl wasn't even listening to what I said. She's averting her eyes from me.

"I told you not to go around Juvia," He sighed in relief seeing nothing happened to her. "You can barely move with your feet"

Gray looked at her sprained ankle, there wasn't any bandage wrapped around. Juvia rolled her eyes at him and nearly move.

"Don't move." Gray instructed her. He bent down, enduring his headache and collected the scattered glasses with his bare hands.

 "Let Juvia help too" She bent down as she was about to collect the sharp glasses but Gray held her hand.

"Listen, I'm not in mood to talk or argue with you Juvia. Just don't move" Gray gave his statement as Juvia hit away his hand and stood up.  

"What is it with you Gray-san always sticking your nose where you don't belong! Just leave Juvia alone!" She yelled and moved away from the kitchen to the living room. "Juvia doesn't want to stay here with you, Juvia would rather go out!"

"Damn it Juvia, my head hurts now. Just please listen"

Gray with his quick bare hands, threw away the collected glasses without caring his hands got hurt by it. He followed Juvia to the living room. His eyes became blurry, but still try to endure it.

My head is about to crack now.. And everything become black all the sudden..

Juvia's POV

Juvia now in-front of the entrance door, holding the doorknob. He doesn't follow Juvia? That's weird. Wait isn't that a good thing?

Juvia heard a loud bump and looked back to the kitchen and to living room. Gray was on the floor, not moving. Juvia paced to him and bent down to the floor. 

"Gray-san, Gray-san.." She shook him a little but not responding at all. His breathing was unstable, he was sweating, one of his hand bled a little due the glasses which made her afraid and worried. "Gray-san you're not laying down because your hand got injured right?"


What should Juvia do? He not saying anything. Gray-san is not joking with Juvia right?

"Come on Gray-san, its not funny, you're scaring Juvia now. Gray-san!" Juvia touched his forehead. "You're burning" 

Juvia noticed something was wrong with Gray-san, his cheeks remained rosy red after she woke up.. He wanted to have a rest but because of Juvia he.. became like this. He was in pain..


Juvia was not capable to carry him to his room. She had to drag Gray and laid him down on the cushion in the living room. The bandage that she supposed to use now wrapped around Gray's injured hand, she felt grateful not putting it away after showering.  

Grabbing the first aid kit, she used thermometer to monitored Gray's temperature.

"EHH! 39.5!? That's awful" Juvia went to the kitchen to grab a basin of warm water, a towel and a cold compress.

"Gray-san's shirt?" A little difficult for her when she removed Gray's shirt that soaked with his sweat. She blushed a little when she had to hug him so its easy for her to remove it. "Done removing!"

Taking the warm towel from the basin after twisting it. She looked at Gray's sleeping face then to his body and towards his abs. She covered her eyes in embarrassment.

What is Juvia thinking?! Now its not time for this! Juvia has to wipe that's all! Oh God please, don't let him think differently about Juvia.

She took off the trench coat she wore and placed over Gray, covering him and placed a cold compress on his head. 

Juvia should make Gray-san some food

~Few hours later~

Juvia had her back against the cushion where Gray slept all the time. She hugged her legs and glanced at the clock inside the living room.

"It's 7 pm already.." Juvia murmured then she placed cold towel on Gray's forehead. Juvia checked again Gray's temperature every two hours. "38.1? Still high, but at least Gray-san's breathing is normal now"

She stood up and picked the bowl of food she prepared for Gray few hours ago. "The food is getting cold, Juvia should cook again"

Preparing her 3rd batch of food and put it onto the nearest table beside the cushion. "Juvia should rest a bit" 

Juvia gazed at Gray before laying down herself on the floor. "Juvia should apologize to Gray-san later.."

To be continued..

Hello minna-san, annoucement from me - I've made another fic but its about NaruHina & SasuHina called Tainted Love. Check it minna-san, I'm sure you guys will like it :)

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