Chapter Nine - Mine and Yours

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"Yeah, whatever"

"Yeah whatever? You dont even consider how Juvia feels about this! Juvia hates Gray-san!" Juvia exclaimed. Gray-say widened his eyes when Juvia said that to him.

"Juvia just met Gray-san today, you're just a total stranger to her and Gray-san is ruining her life!"


Juvia then looked at him. Gray-san just stay silent and his eyes..

His eyes looked sad?

Juvia began to bit her fingernail, feeling guilty for yelling at him.

Did Juvia went too far?

Juvia then shook her head lightly.

Maybe Juvia just seeing a thing. Juvia did the right thing! Who cares about it! Gray-san deserved it!

"Are you done?" He responded, inserting his hands inside his pockets.

"NO! Juvia is not done with Gray-san!"

He should know that Juvia already has Lyon-sama!

"Listen Juvia has a boyfriend! Juvia wont marry someone cocky, arrogant and heartless person like you!"

"A childish girl like you have a boyfriend? Nonsense." He chuckled.

"What you dont believe Juvia?! Gray-san is too jealous because he doesnt have a girlfriend?"

Juvia just assume he doesnt have one. Why? Juvia means look at him!

"Jealous? All I know all the girls are running after me. Dont tell me you're one of them." He intimidated Juvia.

"Juvia is not! Maybe you just make that as an excuse."

Girls running after him? Dont be ridicilous!

"How's this. I saw this fliers a while ago in 2 weeks there will be firework festival in Tokyo. Bring your lovers and I'll bring mine"

He has a girlfriend here? Wow! Juvia can't imagine how Gray-san treated her.

"Fine, lets us see who's lying!" Juvia agreed and walking away from him.

"Where are you going?"

Juvia turned and faced at him again.

"Juvia gonna go at nearby restaurant, eat and then go home!"

"You have a job to do." Gray pointed his finger at the floor "Carry all those bags to the car."

"Why would a girl like Juvia do something like that?! Be a gentleman and carry it yourself."

What kind of guy tell a girl to carry his stuffs! Jerk!

"Unfortunately, I'm not a gentleman" He walked from Juvia. "Oh yeah and one more thing."

Gray-san pulled a key from his pocket and threw it to Juvia.

"You're going home with me."

Juvia opened her mouth in shocked.

Are you kidding? Juvia doesn't want to be near with this guy anymore.

"I told your driver he could have a day off, I forgot to ask him at where he parked it"

"So Juvia has to find it by herself?"

"Exactly.. You will find it in no time.. I thought you would be stupid enough to understand"

There are more than 4 basement here, its okay if its small area. But this one is huge one! Its like a football stadium!

"But Juvia is wearing high heels right now!"

"So?" He raised his eyebrow.

"So its gonna hurt Juvia's feet for trying to find the car!"

"Look" Gray went closer to her. "I dont care if you get hurt."

"Meet me at the entrance after that"

*2 hours timeskips*

Juvia still couldnt find the car. She keeps on searching it while holding tonnes of Gray's souvenirs in her hands and shoulders.

"This is crazy. Where is the car?!!!!" She groaned.

Her feet, her shoulder everything hurts like hell.

"Why did Juvia wore high heels for today..."

Juvia stopped, and leaned to the nearest wall. Juvia took out her phone and looked at it.

What? Two hours had passed? Oh no..

Juvia then quickly went to the elevator. She pressed the ground level button.

Come on come on. Please be quick.

The elevator opened and she quickly dashed to the entrance.

To Juvia surprise, Gray-san still waiting for her at the entrance.

"Where were you? Do you know how long you had keep me waiting?"

"Juvia couldnt find the car. Juvia lost track of time.." Juvia panted non-stop.

"You're too slow. Good thing I just arrived few minutes ago."

Juvia kept him waiting for few minutes and he started to complain about time.

"The car is over there, give me the key." He disturbed Juvia's thought.

Juvia gave the key away and started to talk.

"Ehh? Juvia doesnt know it was here. Juvia thought it was in basement"

"I never said anything about it being in the basement." Gray smirked.

He knew Juvia's gonna be late! He's playing with Juvia! What a moron!

They walked to the car. Juvia threw Gray's stuff at the backseat without hesitation and slammed closed the door.

"Be careful with PRECIOUS my stuff." Angry tone can be heard from his voice.

Juvia went inside the car, adjusting the frontseat.

Juvia took of the high heels, massaging it for a while and then her shoulders.

"Why did you take off your heels?" Gray asked.

Can you please stop talking to Juvia!!! He must be enjoying to see Juvia looked like this.

Juvia put her seatbelt on. "Juvia doesnt want to talk to you! Now if you will excuse Juvia, Juvia gonna have her rest."

Juvia rolled her eyes and faced away from him.

"What a spoilt brat." Gray-san muttered while starting the car engine.

Juvia wanted to yell at him but after searching for the car, her energy was drain because of it.

After few minutes Juvia fall into a deep sleep..

Hello minna-san XD Thank you for still reading my Gruvia Fanfic :D I appreciate for your support ;)

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