Chapter Seven - Picture time

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Juvia wondered why she sit together with Gray at the backseat. The only thing that separated Juvia and Gray was her sling bag.

If only Juvia knows Gray-san will sit at the back. Juvia will sit in the front... Juvia thought.

Masayume Chasing Chasing

Juvia's phone ringing. Is it Lyon-sama again? Kyaaaaa~~ \(♥▽♥)/ She looked at her screen.

Lucy Calling...

Ahh.. Its just Lucy... Juvia's heart sank in dissappoinment. She answered her phone and greeted Lucy.

"Lucy. This is really bad time. Juvia will just call you later. Bye!"

"Wait Juvia! Please dont be mad at meeee, dont hang up. Forgive meeeee." Lucy pleaded.

"Juvia's forgive you but this time Juvia is going out with Gray-san."

"That person names Gray? What a badass name he got! What is he doing right now?" Lucy giggled.

This will get nowhere again..

"He's..." Juvia paused and glanced to her right side. "Sleeping?"

He wants to go out eventhough he looks so tired. Juvia just dont get him.

"Sleeping? DOES HE LOOK CUTEEEE?" Lucy asked her again more like shouting. Juvia quickly pulled away from her phone.

"Lucy you're too loud!" Juvia could hear Lucy keep on laughing and giggling.

Juvia then looked at Gray closely. Well he does actually look cute but with his personality like that. Its opposite from cute.

"Wait! Dont answer that!" Lucy paused and then shouted. "You guys go out? For a date?! Oh God! This is so exciting!"

"NOOOOOO!" Juvia shouted then quickly covered her mouth. Her driver was looking at her from the front mirror. Juvia looked at Gray. He still sleeping. Thank Mavis!

"Juvia just went out with him not for a date! We went for dinner!" Juvia explained.

"Dinner date huh~? Hehe you know I love to tease people, so Juvia have you ask him how long your fiance will stay here?" Lucy asked, more like squealing for Juvia.

"No! He's not my fiance Lucy! And I dont know how long he'll stay here."

"Then ask him! Ask him now how long and when will you guys get married."

"But he still asleep.." Juvia mentioned it again.

"I've got a good idea! Take a picture of him!"

"What? Nooo! Juvia wont do it! And how was it suppose to be a good idea?"

"Come on Juvia, pretty pleaseeeee! I want to see him, after this I will not bother you anymore~"

Juvia on her camera mode and focused the image of Gray.

Okay.. 1..2...3!

Gray suddenly opened his eyes.


"Ahh.. What do you think youre doing? Whats with the flash?" Gray groaned while rubbing his eyes.

Shoot! He woke up? Why at this time? And Juvia forgot to turn off the flash!

"No! Its nothing.. Its just..just the street light! Yeah that kind of light.. Just go back to sleep Gray-san.." She stammered.

"Juviaaaaaa have you taken his picture yet? I want to seee it nowww~" Lucy spoke on SPEAKER MODE!

Talking to Lucy was a bad idea! Always got busted soon enough! Juvia quickly ended it and hid her phone away.

She could feel two eyes was glaring at her. She slowly looked at Gray. His eyes was not pleased to see her.

"The hell? You took a picture of me? Ahh my eyes.." He groaned painfully. "Dammit!"

Ouchh his eyes looked so red.. poor him..

Gray held out one of his hand. Demanding something from Juvia. Juvia quickly searched something from her bag.

Where is it? Pen? Not you! Blusher? NOT YOU!!! Ahaaa! Juvia still have it! An eyedrop (^_^) Juvia gave it to Gray.

"Here's what you need Gray-san." Juvia said.

Gray took it without looking. He started to feel it. Its too small or a phone. "Not this crap you idiot! Your damn phone! Give it to me"

He opened his side window and throw the eye drop away..

He throw it away! Now he's gonna throw Juvia's phone (T_T) Juvia's mind was crying.

Juvia hesitantly gave it to him. Gray looked at it, feel confused. "Idiot its locked! The password goddamit!"

Juvia gave him the password. Juvia guess he's deleting his picture..

He harshly gave Juvia's phone back. "Take another picture of me next time and I break your phone into halves, understand?"

"We have arrive Miss Lockser and Mr Fullbuster." The driver stopped near the entrance of the Mall.

To be continued..

♥ lols ♥ Hope you guys like it :D Do comment, vote and share ♥

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