Chapter Twenty Five - With You

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"Lucy, she went home." Gray said in monotone.

"She what? Home? Why?!" Juvia flustered when knowing Lucy went home, leaving her. She promised Juvia to buy her a jacket!  Its so uncomfortable without jacket!


"W-what? Emergen--" Gray then grabbed Juvia's hand and dragged Juvia away from that place. "Where are we going Gray-san?" What is going on now?

Juvia kept asking Gray-san where we wanted to go, but Gray-san just ignored. Then we arrived in the middle on the Mall and there's a indoor ice-skate. Now, Juvia and Gray-san in-front of the one who in charge this place. Maybe she's the manager. Her name tag says 'Mirajane'.

"What are we doing here? Stop dragging Juvia.." Juvia said Gray-san in annoyed. "Where's Lucy?" Gray then let her hand go. Still not looking at her.

"Awww, you both look so cute. Is this the cute girl you were talking about earlier." Juvia frowned. It was then she had to force to smile at the manager. What girl? "No manager-san, Juvia is not that gi--" 

"Yes, she is that girl" Gray cut her and smiled to the manager. What the? "Awww~ she's so shy isn't she? Dear you can just call by name, Mira" The manager fangirl-ed all over Juvia and Gray-san, almost remind Juvia of Lucy..  

"Mira-san, its not like that.." Juvia said but Mira was gone, taking some skates for them,

Juvia then just stayed quiet while Gray gave the tickets to the manager. "There you guys go." The manager gave the skates to both of them. "Enjoy your date here~"

A date? A date with this devil? 

"Hey what was that? What's with 'the cute girl' that you guys talking about?" Juvia asked Gray-san, is it really about Juvia? Juvia's face blushed.

"Pff, of course its not you, its Lucy, why would it be you?" Gray glared and sighed. 

"Then bring her back. Juvia doesn't want to go in there. What kind of emergency does she has?" 

"I pay this couple ticket, since Lucy is not here. You will be her substitute." Gray exclaimed while walking towards the gate of ice-rink. "And I don't like wasting my money." He continued.

Why did we both had to do this? 

Juvia sighed. "Then Gray-san shouldn't be wasting in the first place. Juvia's wearing a dress right now... its cold in here.." Covering her body with her arms. "Can't we just go home?"

"You skate?" He tilted his eyebrow. The things that Gray-san always does = HE ALWAYS IGNORES JUVIA! 

"Yes" Of course not, this is the first time Juvia has ever skate! That's why Juvia wants to go home!!!

Gray-san then smirked at Juvia. Why is it he always smirk at Juvia? "Or is it you don't know how to skate?"

"Of course Juvia can skate! Who said she couldn't?" Juvia will try to skate! Its not that hard right?

"Your face said so. Whatever, have it your way" He said bluntly

In the end Juvia ended up joining Gray-san for the in-door ice skating. Gray already put his skates on and stepped in on the ice. Juvia looked at him. He is so.. amazing, so smooth, he twisted around in the ice-rink like it was nothing..

 Juvia hates to admit it but Gray-san really amazing.   He was completely absorbed into the skating. He was moving around at the center of the ice field. See its not that hard!

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