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Nayeon and Jeongyeon entered the apartment and was greeted by an excited Mina.

"Nayeon-eonnie." She smiled, and hugged Nayeon, to which the girl reciprocated, but mixed with an awkward giggle. She's still a little embarrassed to think that Mina kind of caught Jeongyeon and her doing unspeakable things.

"Seungyeon-eonnie, Seoyeon-eonnie, this is Nayeon-eonnie, she's the student council president." Mina introduced to the older Yoo sisters, while Jeongyeon smiled.

The whole Yoo family are gathered together in this special day, and Mina couldn't be more happier.

Seungyeon nudged Jeongyeon, "How are you? You seem busy these days."

Jeongyeon shrugged, "Just a little busy with football, that's all."

Seungyeon nodded, while her eyes darted towards Nayeon. "New friend?"

"Nope, gi-" Jeongyeon cleared her throat, "Good friend." The football player smiled, a little nervous that her older sister might catch on what's going on between her and Nayeon.

Seungyeon nodded, and then tapped Jeongyeon's shoulder, "You can tell me anything." She smiled, "Of course when you're ready." she reassured before joining the festivities

Jeongyeon felt a warmth embracing her, as she watched her sister Seungyeon. Maybe... maybe she could come out to her family?

A knock on the door halts Jeongyeon's thought, but she did not dare get it knowing all too well that it was just Jihyo, as she could already hear the girl's loud voice outside. Jihyo does not need to knock anyway.

Mina, on the other hand, gracefully rose, swift to welcome the interruption. The door swung open, revealing not just Jihyo but a boy-Bambam. In his hands, a sizable yellow bag proudly flaunted the label 'FENDI' in bold letters, an extravagant gift that ignited a spark of envy within Jeongyeon. What does that boy think? That it is cute to gift a girl a luxury brand?

"Cute," Nayeon remarked casually, observing Mina's bashful acceptance of Bambam's lavish present. The comment, innocuous at first glance, kindled a flame of irritation within Jeongyeon, who couldn't fathom the appeal of such ostentatious gestures.

"Is Bambam courting your sister?" Nayeon asked.

"How would I know?" she snapped, surprising even Nayeon with the intensity of her response.

"Are you okay?" Nayeon asked, eyeing Jeongyeon. She does not want to overthink Jeongyeon's behavior, but she isn't dumb, and gosh it is scaring her, she's afraid Jeongyeon is suddenly realizing that she is attracted to Mina, no... that can't happen.

Nayeon felt Jeongyeon's arm wrapped around her shoulder, she glanced at the football player, who is still clesrly annoyed towards Bambam.

"Do you want to go to my room?" Jeongyeon asked, her eyes full of desire, but Nayeon is well aware they shouldn't.

"It's Mina's birthday." Nayeon whispered, and she saw how Jeongyeon clenched her jaw as she sends daggers towards Bambam who is clearly unaware.


As the jubilant celebration unfolded, the Yoo family orchestrated an array of entertaining games, from spirited rounds of charades to an intensely competitive giant Jenga match. Nayeon's initial worries waned, swept away by the infectious joy enveloping the gathering. Even though Jeongyeon occasionally shot glares in Bambam and Mina's direction, Nayeon found solace in the belief that it was merely a manifestation of Jeongyeon's protective nature toward her sister.

"Another game?" Seoyeon proposed, met with enthusiastic cheers. She swiftly chose a small box labeled 'Werewolf.'

Jeongyeon and Mina exchanged knowing smiles, their favorite game about to commence. Nayeon observed their interaction, silently reassuring herself that the bond between Jeongyeon and Mina was purely sisterly.

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